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Old 08-19-2017, 05:10 PM
Abrasion Abrasion is offline
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Default So what are you fishing for on September 6th?

Fluke closes the 5th. So......
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Old 08-19-2017, 06:09 PM
olbarneybasser olbarneybasser is offline
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Default Re: So what are you fishing for on September 6th?

Fluke. Flying a pirate flag too.
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Old 08-19-2017, 09:00 PM
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Default Re: So what are you fishing for on September 6th?

Porgy's...Blues... Striped Bass...WeakFish....Albies...Bonita...Black Fish and if a Fluke bites my hook...oh well !!
2002 Sea Hunt 202 Triton C.C
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Old 08-20-2017, 11:34 AM
Treebeard63 Treebeard63 is offline
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Default Re: So what are you fishing for on September 6th?

Originally Posted by olbarneybasser View Post
Fluke. Flying a pirate flag too.
I love the fearless internet poacher.. If you are doing so as a protest of the regs.. by all means poach.. but unless you have the guts to post your real name and a pic. of your boat.. so that you may get fairly arrested, and have your day in court in order to formally make your protest to the powers that be.. you are just a poacher... and a thief of the resource.. stealing from the rest of us.. If you need the meat, maybe work on your skills in-season.. it been a very good season.. I only get down once a week or so.. but my freezer is totally packed..so if you need help feeding your family,
just ask, and I, and I'm sure others here, will be happy to send some fillets your way.. but please don't think sneaking fish out of season makes you an activist.. or anything other than a poacher
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Old 08-20-2017, 01:45 PM
tautog tautog is offline
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Default Re: So what are you fishing for on September 6th?

porgies, new york sea bass, 1 blackfish from shore
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Old 08-20-2017, 02:14 PM
njboarder njboarder is offline
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Default Re: So what are you fishing for on September 6th?

Originally Posted by Treebeard63 View Post
I love the fearless internet poacher.. If you are doing so as a protest of the regs.. by all means poach.. but unless you have the guts to post your real name and a pic. of your boat.. so that you may get fairly arrested, and have your day in court in order to formally make your protest to the powers that be.. you are just a poacher... and a thief of the resource.. stealing from the rest of us.. If you need the meat, maybe work on your skills in-season.. it been a very good season.. I only get down once a week or so.. but my freezer is totally packed..so if you need help feeding your family,
just ask, and I, and I'm sure others here, will be happy to send some fillets your way.. but please don't think sneaking fish out of season makes you an activist.. or anything other than a poacher
Not sure if olbarneybasser was serious with his response, but someone else sure was..
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Old 08-20-2017, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: So what are you fishing for on September 6th?

Originally Posted by Treebeard63 View Post
I love the fearless internet poacher.. If you are doing so as a protest of the regs.. by all means poach.. but unless you have the guts to post your real name and a pic. of your boat.. so that you may get fairly arrested, and have your day in court in order to formally make your protest to the powers that be.. you are just a poacher... and a thief of the resource.. stealing from the rest of us.. If you need the meat, maybe work on your skills in-season.. it been a very good season.. I only get down once a week or so.. but my freezer is totally packed..so if you need help feeding your family,
just ask, and I, and I'm sure others here, will be happy to send some fillets your way.. but please don't think sneaking fish out of season makes you an activist.. or anything other than a poacher
"Enough is enough" did actually mean something for a short period of time until the powers to be who have completely mismanaged this fishery to the condition it's in today wielded their power and threatened to shut the fishery down. States blinked and Washington won....again. I wouldn't blame one person for taking it upon themselves to make their own rules until it's evident recreational fishing interests have a voice in Washington which we currently don't. RFA, SSFFF and others are doing their part to change that but right now we have about zero representation or influence into the legislation which has taken us down this woeful path. If tomorrow Washington said they would start taking 90% of your wages out of your paycheck as opposed to the on average 30 - 35% they take today, would you accept that in the name of compliance or try doing something about it like being paid under the table. A public resource is being stolen from us because of absolute incompetence by NOAA / NMFS and recreational anglers who have sacrificed quotas and catch limits year after year for the promise of a sustainable fishery are still being asked to in part pay the tab for NMFS's incompetence. And you characterize the unwillingness of many to be bound by rules stemming from NMFS's complete mismanagement of this resource for the last twenty years as poaching. we have a much different perspective on this all together. Add to that a majority of the shorts we've released this entire summer to continue doing our part to rebuild this resource against overwhelming odds will end up as dead discard when the commercials hygrade their catches for larger fluke during their offshore migration in the fall. Then tell all of us what the current regulations have accomplished to rebuild SSB. We're going to be asked once again next year to bend over because as many of us have said for the last few years, proposing the same management ideology every year expecting a different result is the true definition of insanity. More breeders harvested, more smaller fished killed due to increased mortality and more dead discard as a result of commercial hygrading and I GUARANTEE a continued decline in recruitment strength which will seal the fate of this fishery. Like many, I've followed the regulations my entire life, this is one situation where I perfectly understand someone making their own rules. Not going to pay $15 a lb for fluke at retail for fish I released earlier this year while the current regulations continue to cripple the fishery. If that qualifies me or anyone else in your opinion as a poacher than so be it.

Last edited by dakota560; 08-20-2017 at 07:35 PM..
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Old 08-20-2017, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: So what are you fishing for on September 6th?

Well said.
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Old 08-20-2017, 09:05 PM
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Default Re: So what are you fishing for on September 6th?

Well said Dakota..... Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, which doesn't necessarily have to be used as a moment to pound their chest and place themselves on a higher moral ground by calling someone out. It is, what it is and people will let their conscience be their guide based upon a deck that is obviously stacked against recreational fisherman. They make more than one flavor of ice cream because everyone likes something different in the Good Ole USA.
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Old 08-20-2017, 10:28 PM
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Default Re: So what are you fishing for on September 6th?

Originally Posted by Treebeard63 View Post
I love the fearless internet poacher.. If you are doing so as a protest of the regs.. by all means poach.. but unless you have the guts to post your real name and a pic. of your boat.. so that you may get fairly arrested, and have your day in court in order to formally make your protest to the powers that be.. you are just a poacher... and a thief of the resource.. stealing from the rest of us.. If you need the meat, maybe work on your skills in-season.. it been a very good season.. I only get down once a week or so.. but my freezer is totally packed..so if you need help feeding your family,
just ask, and I, and I'm sure others here, will be happy to send some fillets your way.. but please don't think sneaking fish out of season makes you an activist.. or anything other than a poacher
lol easy Tree Beard
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