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Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards & Shark Tournament Sponsors Today! - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 06-11-2017, 10:44 PM
dpayet1's Avatar
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Exclamation Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards & Shark Tournament Sponsors Today!

Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards & other Shark Tournament Sponsors

Dear @NJFISHING.com Community and Friends,

Yamaha Outboards and other Corporate Sponsors of Shark Tournaments and Fishing Tournaments are being attacked by anti-fishing cyber bullies and other aggressive individuals. They are specifically attacking them for their support of tournaments in NJ and another states. This is happening tonight and right now.

You can see this behavior on the page of Yamaha Outboards on Instagram and the twitter account they have for Yamaha Outboards.


I believe that they need our support so they do not stop supporting and sponsoring the great causes which many of these tournaments help and our fishing community.

This especially concerning as many of these tournaments are for raising funds and help for our Returning Hero Service Men and Women, Wounded Warriors and Veterans and many other related and important organizations and NGO's.

We support both the Wounded Warrior and Operation Mend organizations.

Please post a positive comment supporting these sponsors like Yamaha Outboards on their Instagram, Facebook or Twitter page showing support of their sponsorships and products. Please do not engage and if you see abusive or hateful comments just report any hate speech or harassment or cyberbullying comments to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

We all know that Freedom of Speech allows people to state their disagreement, but not to hate, bully or to abuse individuals, organizations or companies, especially when the people being attacked are supporting great causes like our veterans. We feel that we should not leave these sponsors alone in these difficult times when they are under attack as we respect and or use their products.

Thank you for reading this post and for any support you can give these sponsors.

Unfortunately, it seems like the attacks and hate are starting against our sponsors and the makers of the products we fishermen use today, and, it is concerning, that they may move on to us fishermen tomorrow.

Kind regards and respectfully,

Shake N Bake!
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Old 06-11-2017, 11:42 PM
Charles H. Charles H. is offline
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Default Re: Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards & Shark Tournament Sponsors Today!

Are those people seriously posting that Wahoo are finned sharks or was there another pic taken down?

I'm all for conservation, but passion is no substitute for intelligence.
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Old 06-12-2017, 01:40 AM
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dpayet1 dpayet1 is offline
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Exclamation Re: Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards / Shark Tournament Sponsors Today!

Hi Charles,

I agree with you, and I also do not see what they are so abusive and hateful about. The level of hatred, loathing and hostility in these attacks on the social media accounts of Fishing Sponsors, Captains and against recreational and commercial fishermen in the US is shocking and surprising. We have personally never seen something like this before. It even rises to threats, hate speech, bullying, personal attacks, terrible insults and everything else you can imagine.

I believe most of the people writing and attacking the the fishermen, captains and sponsors of the fishing and shark tournaments do not really understand why they are attacking a specific individual or company, they are just directed to do it on social media and then they seem to follow and attack very strongly.

They seem or may be mixing up and associating the highly regulated and restricted Shark Fishing Tournaments in the US, which are organized to support great charities which help real humans and people in need, and especially our veterans and Wounded Warriors, with the problems we see in some parts of the world related to "finning" sharks for shark fin soup and other reason we see not only in Asia but in other regions. I do not believe any tournament captains and anglers in the tournaments are finning and killing sharks "wholesale" (as they refer to it and worse) for the wrong reasons and or killing any sharks outside the rules and parameters established for the tournament. As we know, they would definitely be disqualified and there would be other serious consequences as we know.

Thanks again to you and the community for looking into this topic. I have attached for all of your review, some screenshots from the Instagram Page of "Yamaha Outboards." Please note that some of the comments are very strong and not PG.

It would be good to know what everyone in the community thinks about this topic as it is happening right now on these social media pages of these large fishing related companies and sponsors and the related captains and anglers.

Kind regards and respectfully,

Shake N Bake Fishing Team
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Yamaha Outboards IG Page 1.jpg
Views:	181
Size:	94.2 KB
ID:	111284   Click image for larger version

Name:	Yamaha Outboards IG2.jpg
Views:	146
Size:	83.7 KB
ID:	111285   Click image for larger version

Name:	Yamaha Outboards 3.jpg
Views:	135
Size:	78.3 KB
ID:	111286  
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Old 06-12-2017, 11:27 AM
NoLimit NoLimit is offline
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Default Re: Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards & Shark Tournament Sponsors Today!

These are the same lefty aholes spreading the propaganda about recreational fishing reducing stocks.
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Old 06-12-2017, 04:44 PM
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dpayet1 dpayet1 is offline
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Exclamation Re: Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards & Shark Tournament Sponsors Today!

Dear @NoLimit and @NJFishing Community and Friends,

Yes, these seem to be the same people and groups. Many of the posts attacking our tournament sponsors, marinas, fishing captains and even directly the anglers are coming from groups we did not know even existed. These include currently, "leftist leaning NGOs, anarchist groups, activist vegan groups and other radical and hate associated groups" some from the US. A few individuals are also jumping in from these same groups but actually their social media accounts show they are in Belgium, France, Germany, Venezuela and Mexico, among others.

It is surprising that an extremely small amount of people in the US and in some of these countries are attacking fishing tournaments in the USA and New Jersey. All countries have many other more important life safety and economic issues to focus on and resolve locally. They obviously do not represent the grand majority of their fellow nationals who are good and respectable people of these countries, and ironically many of their peers also love fishing.

This is the latest posts from @yamahaoutboards on INSTAGRAM where you can all see what is going on right now...



Thank you to everyone that has been helping and supporting these great individual captains, anglers, marinas and corporate and small company sponsors that are getting attacked via social media for participating in not only Shark tournaments, but all sort of tournaments and now any sort of fishing activity.


Shake 'N Bake Fishing Team

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Old 06-12-2017, 05:27 PM
Charles H. Charles H. is offline
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Default Re: Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards & Shark Tournament Sponsors Today!

by the way DPayet1, Nice instagram photos! How do you make the colors show up like that?
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Old 06-12-2017, 06:33 PM
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Sharkyispy Sharkyispy is offline
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Default Re: Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards & Shark Tournament Sponsors Today!

Looked top post on Facebook page but not seeing the negative posts there. Not on Instagram...
Mike Reynolds
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Old 06-12-2017, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards & Shark Tournament Sponsors Today!

Charles, Thanks for the feedback and for checking it out. We are mostly shooting with a Sony A7Sii with a 50mm f/1.4 which is great for the the colors and for the amount of light. We also shoot in RAW and then do the post production on the video and photos as needed.
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Old 06-12-2017, 09:25 PM
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dpayet1 dpayet1 is offline
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Exclamation Updated: Urgent: Please Support Yamaha Outboards & Shark Tournament Sponsors Today!

Hi Sharkyispy / Mike,

These anti-fishing activist and vegan activists continue to attack and post hate speech on Instagram and I believe also on Twitter. Please see the recent harassment on the page of @yamahaoutboards. If you click or cut and paste on your browser you should be able to see the @yamahaoutboards post above, and the hateful comments below. I believe you do not need to have an instagram page to see it through this link



There are some hate comments by a person known as " jaygnaw " which are unbelievable and shocking. I believe any positive support by anyone else will help keep the sponsorships for the tournaments and will surely be appreciated by anglers, captains and sponsors.

Kind regards,

Shake 'N Bake Fishing Team
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