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Old 05-23-2017, 01:12 PM
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Question Can someone explain?

Can someone explain to me in laymen terms why the reduction in bag limits for Fluke... Sea Bass...Winter Flounder and Weakfish. Are they saying that the amount of fish are declining and if so what proof do they have? Haven't we been restricted for years now on what we can catch? You would think that by now there would be some positive results? And when do they think the stocks will finally rebound and things will get back to normal again. Thanks in advance!
2002 Sea Hunt 202 Triton C.C
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Old 05-23-2017, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: Can someone explain?

the proverbial $1,000,000 question.
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Old 05-23-2017, 02:32 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain?

Originally Posted by Detour66 View Post
Can someone explain to me in laymen terms why the reduction in bag limits for Fluke... Sea Bass...Winter Flounder and Weakfish. Are they saying that the amount of fish are declining and if so what proof do they have? Haven't we been restricted for years now on what we can catch? You would think that by now there would be some positive results? And when do they think the stocks will finally rebound and things will get back to normal again. Thanks in advance!
In my opinion its these factors:
1) The overall harvest (actual catch) and Stock Assessment for biomass vs reproduction capability data methodology is flawed and outdated but "the best science available"
So start with questionable data and add an arbitrary mortality rate to each species
2) # 1 above leads to settings of quotas for each state / region which are too low but based on the faulty data. When the quotas that are too low to begin with are surpassed then # 3 kicks in
3) Current Magnuson Stevens Act dictates that based on #1 and 2 above that regulations / reductions in most cases are mandatory to sustain the fish stocks with zero flexibility for mitigating factors or "other" science .

Now this is not always the case with ALL species as some warrant reductions but again in my opinion it is the reasons for constant Fluke and Seabass reductions when stocks are rebuilt.

Quotas are NOT being raised as the Fish Stocks improve and MSA needs to be reformed both of which are at the federal level and not so easy to get the attention they deserve.
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Old 05-23-2017, 02:38 PM
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Default Re: Can someone explain?

Originally Posted by dales529 View Post
In my opinion its these factors:
1) The overall harvest (actual catch) and Stock Assessment for biomass vs reproduction capability data methodology is flawed and outdated but "the best science available"
So start with questionable data and add an arbitrary mortality rate to each species
2) # 1 above leads to settings of quotas for each state / region which are too low but based on the faulty data. When the quotas that are too low to begin with are surpassed then # 3 kicks in
3) Current Magnuson Stevens Act dictates that based on #1 and 2 above that regulations / reductions in most cases are mandatory to sustain the fish stocks with zero flexibility for mitigating factors or "other" science .

Now this is not always the case with ALL species as some warrant reductions but again in my opinion it is the reasons for constant Fluke and Seabass reductions when stocks are rebuilt.

Quotas are NOT being raised as the Fish Stocks improve and MSA needs to be reformed both of which are at the federal level and not so easy to get the attention they deserve.
what he said.
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Old 05-23-2017, 04:09 PM
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Default Re: Can someone explain?

Originally Posted by dales529 View Post
In my opinion its these factors:
1) The overall harvest (actual catch) and Stock Assessment for biomass vs reproduction capability data methodology is flawed and outdated but "the best science available"
So start with questionable data and add an arbitrary mortality rate to each species
2) # 1 above leads to settings of quotas for each state / region which are too low but based on the faulty data. When the quotas that are too low to begin with are surpassed then # 3 kicks in
3) Current Magnuson Stevens Act dictates that based on #1 and 2 above that regulations / reductions in most cases are mandatory to sustain the fish stocks with zero flexibility for mitigating factors or "other" science .

Now this is not always the case with ALL species as some warrant reductions but again in my opinion it is the reasons for constant Fluke and Seabass reductions when stocks are rebuilt.

Quotas are NOT being raised as the Fish Stocks improve and MSA needs to be reformed both of which are at the federal level and not so easy to get the attention they deserve.
This is all good but to be honest I was looking for a simple uncomplicated answer aka "in laymen's term" like "yeah fish stocks are up but they are still reducing the bag limits"! Thank you for you response!
2002 Sea Hunt 202 Triton C.C

Last edited by Detour66; 05-23-2017 at 04:12 PM..
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Old 05-23-2017, 04:20 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain?

Originally Posted by Detour66 View Post
This is all good but to be honest I was looking for a simple uncomplicated answer aka "in laymen's term" like "yeah fish stocks are up but they are still reducing the bag limits"! Thank you for you response!

To be honest that was laymens terms lol.
When stocks are rebuilt they don't raise the quotas accordingly so we get screwed.
Is that better
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Old 05-23-2017, 04:41 PM
frugalfisherman frugalfisherman is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain?

It's because instead of getting militant NJ fishermen are writing letters and taking surveys.
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Old 05-23-2017, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: Can someone explain?

Originally Posted by Detour66 View Post
Can someone explain to me
Simple question, simple answer . . .

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Old 05-23-2017, 05:05 PM
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Lightbulb Re: Can someone explain?

Commercial fishermen catch fish, sell fish, pay taxes on sold fish.
You catch fish, dodge paying taxes, no fish for you.
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Old 05-23-2017, 09:40 PM
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Cool Re: Can someone explain?

Originally Posted by dales529 View Post
To be honest that was laymens terms lol.
When stocks are rebuilt they don't raise the quotas accordingly so we get screwed.
Is that better
So fish stocks are up but "no fish for you!" ...damn that su% !! Thanks!
2002 Sea Hunt 202 Triton C.C
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