Mimi magic hour bass!!!
Capt Bob, Brandon and I got the Magic Hour STRIPED BASS SEASON underway yesterday.....
a COOLING south wind chopped the surface, making the bunker tough to find, and more difficult to stay with. A great job done by the anglers on the LIMITED LOAD trip, moving around the boat to take advantage of the snagging opportunities.
We did set the spoons and MoJos out between snagging and managed 3 bites, w/ three pulled hooks as a result.
We setup on a drift with our LIVIES and soon we had a BIG BASS push a bunker to the surface, selecting the one bunker attached to a locked reel....0-1.
Shaun decided he needed, "...to check the swimming action of my bunker...." and got DESTROYED at the boat!!! Proper drag setting for livelining resulted in SCREAMING drag and Shaun going from the port stern to midships on the STARBOARD side!! Clearing lines as we went, Shaun settled in and a BEAUTIFUL 35# LINESIDER was IN the boat!!
We had two more quality run-offs before the trip came to an end....not a bad start!
Join us Sunday - Friday, 3:30p- 9:30ishp
$80 per person
Simply call the Mimi office and schedule your trip(s) TODAY!!