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Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered. - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 11-27-2016, 09:27 PM
Capt. JJ Capt. JJ is offline
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Default Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.

Had a super-mega-ultra-hardcore-superstar crew on board today that consisted of GDUBS, Ruberband Pete, The Doctors, Bradley Cooper, Courtney Bradleyspawn, Tim da Twin, Chris, The Flukemeister, and a new character, The Ninja.

Left the dock at zero - 6 -why-do-I-do-this-to-myself hours, and bypassed the hoards of hungry stripers in search of the elusive togasaurus rex. Made a left out the inlet and steamed for Northern grounds...arrived to a brisk, sunny, morning and developed life right away....Doc Ev, GDUBS, and Courtney started pulling toggies over not long after the anchor set, and most of us started swinging away...it was a severely scratchy bite....peck-peck-peck...bye-bye...bait be gone...not a lot of fish willing to commit to a lasting relationship with our coolers.

Boxed a dozen or so in short order, and our fearless leader was pleased, but then, things started degrading, bite-wise, except for 2 people: GDUBS, and The Ninja.

For the next 14-16 hours (I forget: this was an old-school monger nation trip meaning Jerry didnt have dinner plans with his cupcake, and no curfews on board EXCEPT for GDUBS who has season tix for the Jets and wanted to be back at the dock by 2 so he could make the game.



THAT was SOOOOOOO not going to happen. This was old school....getting back to the dock before work on Monday was all that mattered.

Anyways....the entire deck of the boat except for a very small 6 foot section turned into desolation alley for tog bites. We averaged about 1 per hour. The 6 foot section by G and Ninja never stopped for more than 30 seconds....it was like watching an old-fashioned wrestling beat down where bodies got slammed on a regular basis, only today, it was rods slamming into tog bodies as fast as they could get bait on.

Ninja used his martial arts skills to mug GDUBS, and GDUBS used his fishing skills to show the NInja how to boat blackfish.....it was a sight to behold!

I wanna say that between the two of them they caught 50-60 fish, only keeping their legal limits of course.

The rest of us managed an average of 3, with yours truly pulling in 4 keepers, which, over a 16 hour period amounts to about 1 every 4 hours. Not too shabby!

Important notes:

Doc Larry hauled in the imaginary $10,000 pool fish at about 8.5 pounds...
Courtney is getting a new Iphone, Ipad, hoverboard, Audi, and other assorted goodies at Xmas for NOT telling MOM how crazy her dads friends are...
Courtney: 13 year old girls should NEVER be subjected to a full day on a boat filled with crazy tog fishermen who yell and curse on a regular basis, and make fun of various body parts and presidential candidates...as well as exhibiting other assorted non-ladylike behaviors.... this is NOT who the male species really is.

Well maybe it really is.

Just take the damned Apple products from your Dad and forget everything you heard.

Mike and John were excellent as usual.

Captain Jerry never screamed or yelled and was a constant source of superior customer service, never failing to deliver an exceptional customer

Rubberband Pete did not catch a striper, but thats becoming the norm, rather than the exception.

We caught sea bass, porgies, tog, sea robbins, snickerdoodles, pollywogs, and dylithium crystals, for a total of 7 species, so no coupons were handed out or used.

Finally, no jigs were killed in the making of this trip. (And fewer tog than we hoped for!!!)


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Old 11-28-2016, 09:18 AM
ALS Mako ALS Mako is offline
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Default Re: Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.

Ninja? Really? I'm not even from japan....lol
Will post the real report latter when I have timeo
and this one time at band camp.....
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Old 11-28-2016, 09:43 AM
Capt. JJ Capt. JJ is offline
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Default Re: Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.

Well, you mugged him with a sneak/surprise attack, and stole all his fish (which he pointed out to everyone on the charter constantly).

That's the definition of a Ninja in my book.

Doesn't matter. George got his revenge later in the day when his Jets beat the Patriots.

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Old 11-28-2016, 03:37 PM
Humanzee Humanzee is offline
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Default Re: Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.

Always enjoy reading the creative reports. Having 3 kids all in their 20's now, I did my fair share of hush-hush gifting.

Well done sir.
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Old 11-28-2016, 05:59 PM
ALS Mako ALS Mako is offline
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Default Re: Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.

was lucky to get a spot with this crew...been looking to fish with capt jj; and he did not disappiont. ball busting was non-stop and i think it would have been worse had there not been a young lady on board. as for the "mugging".. i was invited to get in on the bite on the starboardside, i just never left. we had a mad dog crazy bite first thing in the morning and boxed a bunch of nice roasters. fish were had all around the boat but the starboard side was hot. thanks george for all your fish. georgie was the first to hit his limit. i was very proud of him in the morning....in the afternoon, not so much. lots of fish were rolled- even the ones caught in the mud. ah george, who loves ya. bite got tough in the afternoon and you really had to work for the bites and swing at just the right time. we ended the day just shy of a limit and everyone added to the cooler. as always capt jerry shows why he's one of the best and mates john and mike are top notch. i can only hope that i get invited back next year.
and this one time at band camp.....
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Old 11-28-2016, 07:11 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
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Default Re: Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.

Great report as always JJ.
Two questions:
1) How many people did Gdubs hit in the head with the over zealous swing the fish in the boat.
2) How many Rod tips in the rack suffered the same?

One statement:
Steve ALS: Unfortunately your new Delta name is NINJA

Monger works and produces for sure
RFA-NJ Member
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Old 11-28-2016, 08:06 PM
togzilla togzilla is offline
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Default Re: Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.

Originally Posted by dales529 View Post
Great report as always JJ.
Two questions:
1) How many people did Gdubs hit in the head with the over zealous swing the fish in the boat.
2) How many Rod tips in the rack suffered the same?

One statement:
Steve ALS: Unfortunately your new Delta name is NINJA

Monger works and produces for sure
How in the world could you post a you tube video of the Delta Chi pledge ceremony and cut off the part "What's my Delta Chi name?"
Kinda of like watching caddyshack on network tv!
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Old 11-28-2016, 09:00 PM
Capt. JJ Capt. JJ is offline
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Default Re: Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.

First off, best part of trip was seeing Jerry swing and miss a few times and really straining NOT to curse cause teenaged girl was on deck.

Second, I swear to God, if anyone stands even remotely close behind Jerry or GDUBS when they swing and miss you better call for the Coast Guard chopper cause someone is getting airlifted to shore with broken body parts.

Third, this whole, "Jerry-being-nice-and-not-screaming-or-cursing-at-boats-stealing-his-numbers" routine is messing with my brain and leaving me twisted. I almost long for the days when I ran deck on the Tampa VII. At least Gene was consistently insane!!!!
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Old 11-30-2016, 01:02 PM
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GDubya07 GDubya07 is offline
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Default Re: Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.


I got lucky once again but it was tuff sledding all day , bite was scratchy to lights taps, there were some chomps but no mad dog bite , you had to work for em today. They wanted crushed/cracked crabs or the shell off worked best for me , now for my update

1) Steve nobody invited you to fish next to me , you just mugged/walked over and never left (cant blame you because Gdubs=AWESOME) BTW I dropped/rolled more fish in the afternoon than you caught all day bucko - thats right you got bucko'd- BTW I did catch em in the afternoon - At least I didnt call you a Ninja but you did steal some of my fish buddy - Love ya Kid

2) That poor girl , we were all on our best behavior and we tried, I told her to go home and tell her mom about the life lessons she learned today- her father is walking with a limp as we speak and his voice is much higher

3) DO NOT stand anywhere near me when I try and set the hook , it is ugly and you might lose an eye or get pink eye - , I can set a rock like no bodies business

4) Dales I hit just about everyone when I swing a fish comon buddy -
everyone is involved in the Slap me with a Fish game - but they do get in the boat

5) I got 1/2 fired and was reprimanded for stating that I could not feel any bottom/structure and was fishing in the Mudd

6) My Jets are just that my Jets - right , wrong or indifferent I am a true fan and will never stop and you were right I didnt make the game and they lost

Great time as always with Capt JJ and crew , thanks Steve and Chris for showing up

The Name is G.W.

Last edited by GDubya07; 11-30-2016 at 01:10 PM..
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Old 12-01-2016, 07:58 PM
ALS Mako ALS Mako is offline
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Default Re: Sunday. Monger. Blackfish. We came, we saw...they conquered.

1) Steve nobody invited you to fish next to me , you just mugged/walked over and never left (cant blame you because Gdubs=AWESOME) BTW I dropped/rolled more fish in the afternoon than you caught all day bucko - thats right you got bucko'd- BTW I did catch em in the afternoon - At least I didnt call you a Ninja but you did steal some of my fish buddy - Love ya[/QUOTE]

I never said you invited me over to fish next to you. It was the little guy to your right
Ninja out
and this one time at band camp.....
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