Joey Tomatos Fishing Charters
The weather finally broke and I was able to go fishing, or should I say exploring for the last two days? I haven't been able to post for charters because the weather has been so bad why book and cancel? But it looks like things are finally changing. I have a charter for the first day of Sea Bass season but there are blue fish out there and I also had some markings for stripers. Not many because the water is still warm. But if it stays cold at night that will change soon. I searched off shore in the deep on wrecks hoping to find more than sea bass but that is all I could find. Good thing for the Sea Bass fisherman they are all over the place and you do not have to go far? And Blues have also appeared. So if your interested in catching fish call me on 732-684-8739 or go to my web site Joeytomato' and make your reservations. Sea Bass Blackfish, Bluefish ans Stripers.