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NJFishing.com Salt Water Fishing Use this board to post all general salt water fishing information. Please use the appropriate boards below for all other information. General information about sailing times, charter availability and open boats trips can be found and should be posted in the open boat forum.

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Old 09-19-2016, 07:08 PM
njmultispecies njmultispecies is offline
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Default New to Saltwater

Hey I'm new to saltwater fishing and need some guidance. I've been surf fishing every week or two without much luck besides some short flounders, sea robins, and blues. I've used a variety of baits and lures, primarly squid, gulp, and storm shads. Is there an info you can provide to give me a start? Any seasonal things I should know about? Thanks.

PS I've heard lots of hype about "fall run" stripers. Any info on that?
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Old 09-19-2016, 07:47 PM
WhaleFart WhaleFart is offline
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Default Re: New to Saltwater

Saltwater fishing is always exciting and poses a challenge like anything else. Surf fishing is a tremendous amount of fun but takes patients and a ton of trial and error. There are plenty of good reads online with basic Google/YouTube searches that can point you in the right direction. This time of year is tricky as there aren't to many game fish in the surf zone other then cocktail blues, occasional false albacore and a random residential stripers.

The biggest factors I have found in my success is keeping a close eye on the wind and tides, you will always score best in low light conditions, and consistantly moving (walking) is important improving your hook up chances. This time of year there is a lot of different baitfish in the surf zone so having a mix of lures and plugs that match the hatch is essential. As you gain confidence and experiment on what works it Will only get easier. My other thing to mention is don't be afraid to travel I surf fish from Asbury park - ibsp, lots of great beaches in that stretch.

If you are looking to bend a rod, there is always the party boat option, but there is no comparison landing a striper / big blue on the surf vs catching one on a party boat.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions

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Old 09-20-2016, 06:29 AM
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Default Re: New to Saltwater

A friend of mine, who is real good at striper fishing from the beach, told me it a few years to able to read the beach to catch stripers. Obviously, if there is all out blitz, that's a different story. He said he would watch to see where the water would pool and the stripers would sit and wait for bait. I'm making sound easier than it is. The best advice is, just go out there and fish. Talk to other guys and tell them you are just starting and most will be helpful. Put a post here and ask the board if anyone is going surf fishing, you would like to go. Fishing with someone who knows how, is going to make it more fun than frustrating. You have to put time in on your own too.
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Capt. Marc
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Old 09-20-2016, 07:48 AM
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Default Re: New to Saltwater

Dedicated surf casters are a special breed. A lot of patience required as is being in the right place at the right time... It's not for everyone, especially type A's that crave constant action. Most serious surf casters are addicted to the solitude and the challenge, catching fish is not expected but a bonus for the time you put in and the skill involved.

Sounds to me like you are doing OK given you've caught a few fish and most days a few fish is all that can be expected.

Unlike fishing from a boat, you need to fish to come to you rather then you moving to the fish. Sure you can walk the beach but because you are on the beach and can only cast so far your are limited to your casting distance.

The fall is going to be your best opportunity in the surf. Bait moves in and blitzes of Blues and Stripers occur but once again you need to be in the right place at the right time. Even if you are in the right place, these fish might be just beyond where you can cast.

As far as the fall and the blitzes when the fish are chasing baits up top, I'd be throwing top waters like Pencil Poppers and swim baits like Bombers....
If you need something heavier to reach them then Castmaster, Hopkins and AVA jigs.

If you put in your time, sooner or later you will be rewarded.

If it's the fish you are after not the fishing, then I'd suggest you jump on a boat with one of our sponsors.

Gerry Zagorski <><

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Old 09-20-2016, 09:26 AM
bunker dunker bunker dunker is offline
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Default Re: New to Saltwater

there is a book that help me allot called "reading the water".its all about surf fishing martha's vineyard but has great info that has helped me surf fish nj,ny,ri
and mass.
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Old 09-20-2016, 09:28 AM
liveitup1.75liter liveitup1.75liter is offline
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Default Re: New to Saltwater

Keep fishing!! Keep moving it's a big ocean nothing going on move onnnn...set out a chunk/ bait rod.. circle hooks good for blues n fish period.. lighting n all that's been mentioned.. alot fish bite in wash!!! Use small teaser when plugging.. stripes don't have to follow any rules
Ur really keeping that??? Lmao!!
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Old 09-20-2016, 09:41 AM
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Default Re: New to Saltwater

Enjoy watching the water and waves become familiar with the changes on the water surface. Larger waves verses smaller waves. Ripples in a line etc. these are all indications of structure or up welling. These are the places where fish like to abush baits. Good luck enjoy and welcome aboard
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Old 09-20-2016, 03:00 PM
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Default Re: New to Saltwater

search John Skinner fishing on youtube.. and his books..
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Old 09-21-2016, 10:04 AM
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Default Re: New to Saltwater

Patience and learning as you go. Be observant. But still there will be lots of hours of nothing for every fish caught.

Originally Posted by njmultispecies View Post
Hey I'm new to saltwater fishing and need some guidance. I've been surf fishing every week or two without much luck besides some short flounders, sea robins, and blues. I've used a variety of baits and lures, primarly squid, gulp, and storm shads. Is there an info you can provide to give me a start? Any seasonal things I should know about? Thanks.

PS I've heard lots of hype about "fall run" stripers. Any info on that?
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Old 10-14-2016, 03:22 PM
Rson1982 Rson1982 is offline
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Default Re: New to Saltwater

Hello everyone,

New to the forum and new to saltwater fishing. Been fishing religiously for the past 2 month and can't get enough.

Looking for new areas to fish for stripers and blues. I haven't gone surf fishing on the beach yet, just from the piers and only in two locations. Port Monmouth and Edgewater (no luck at this location yet).

Caught my first striper ever last weekend (18") at Port Monmouth and would love to catch ones that I can actually bring home. Love the taste of them!

I learned everything that I know about fishing by watching the veteran's there, types of line, sinker slides, casting net to catch peanut bunker as live baits, different types of rigs and above all, how to be patient and also from watching videos on youtube.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance
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