Prowler5 - Wed., Aug. 31st n Sun., 28th Wreck Report
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. I had the boat out again today with Donnie and Shane for my crew. With a fair amount of customers for a Wed. at the end of August. I was very eager and excited to get back to where I caught the fluke the other day using pink and white gulps and sea robin strip bellies. Worked great for us the other day with limits and others with 3 and 4. Couldn't get them to bite there today, just shorts. Didn't put a lot of time in there, fished some areas I haven't fished yet, took a long ride all the way out to ambrose channel in 75 feet of water and caught a couple of nice keepers. But not enough of them and then covered the bay. All in all the fishing was off for me today. As far as the wreck trip, Capt. Jimmy Rivelli said he was out Sunday with John Chiavarini and Shane. They only had 18 customers and they fished the greek in 160 feet of water and high hook was 15 nice ling caught by John who passed them out to the paying customers. Beautiful night on the ocean that night. Mackeral worked real good for bait with the clams. Anyway, this week was going to be the last wreck trip, but we decided to throw in the towel on them for the rest of the year. We will continue to go twilight fluking on Sunday nights 3:30 to dark. I'm off the next couple of days. Capt. Glenn, Chef Mike and John will see you in the a.m. P.S. Don't listen to the weather with any of the bullshit. We always have our bay and always have a place to hide and fluke fish. Thx., Capt. Scott, Prowler 5.
Prowler 5
Sailing Daily From Altantic Highlands
(732) 245-6514
Last edited by Prowler 5; 08-31-2016 at 07:43 PM..