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Old 04-29-2016, 01:33 PM
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Default Gas Issue Shark River

Gerry this isn't a fishing report but I thought it best posting it on the fishing forum. If that's a problem feel free to move it.

I was informed a week or so ago that due to issues involving the construction of the new restaurant at the Belmar Municipal Marina, the gas pumps on the river will be shut down until at minimum Memorial Day and potentially six weeks longer. Being they're the only gas pumps on the river, that poses a significant problem for many boaters. From what I've heard, a gas line was ruptured by the restaurant construction causing the problem. Any boats sailing out of Shark River Inlet will have to go to Manasquan for gas or make other arrangements as in gas cans if that's feasible and allowed at your marina which in most cases I assume it's not. It seems like the Municipality is keeping this quiet as many folks I've spoken to haven't heard about it. I've been told also as a result of the same situation that the row boats in Belmar will be moved to "F" dock for the duration of the reparation work. Between the dredge operation, the construction and now this, anyone sailing from SRI and in particular from Fisherman's Den I'm afraid are going to be in for a tough start to the season. Just a heads up for anyone who might be effected.

Last edited by dakota560; 04-29-2016 at 01:51 PM..
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Old 04-29-2016, 02:14 PM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

I went to get some fuel late Nov last year and there were a few guys running around in panic then came down and said construction ruptured something with the fuel docks and just had to be shut off. I don't know if it was turned off since then, because it was blowing east heavy for a few more weeks, so I pulled the boat out for the winter.

I am amazed that there is no temp solution figured out. And like you said why is this so quiet?

Looks like fuel cans at the slip for me.
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Old 04-29-2016, 02:22 PM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

That sucks. That is going to be a PITA for a lot of people


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Old 04-29-2016, 02:44 PM
NoLimit NoLimit is offline
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

Too bad the city has no sense of urgency or money.

Seriously, how on earth can it take months and months and months to fix a 2 or 3" fuel line ; or why cant they get a fuel truck to tie into the fuel docks on a temporary basis?

It reminds me of the NYC skating rink. The city payed for it to be built 3 or 4 times over and after 10 years, it still was not done. Trump built it in several months and it was under budget.

The boat owners should get together, chip in a couple grand for an attorney, and put a claim in to get half their rent back plus loss of use of boats.
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Old 04-29-2016, 02:50 PM
Exit135 Exit135 is offline
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

I would bet that the NJDEP is reviewing a permit application. My assumption is a Waterfront Development Permit. Takes about six months to get one of those.
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Old 04-29-2016, 02:53 PM
Tuna Tales Tuna Tales is offline
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Thumbs down Re: Gas Issue Shark River

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Old 04-29-2016, 03:09 PM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

I believe in another post somebody said the first or second Tuesday of the month they have a harbor meeting at town hall. I will definitely be there
Capt. Ron
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Last edited by rockbottom; 04-29-2016 at 03:17 PM..
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Old 04-29-2016, 03:11 PM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

I wasn't aware the accident happened back in November. Municipality should be sued for not disclosing it at the time renewal slip applications went out to everyone at the Municipal Marina. They for the first time I remember offered a two year deal with locked in rates, now it's obvious why that offer was made. Also heard but haven't confirmed that they may close the public launch because of parking concerns. I doubt that will be their course of action since it involves loss of revenue. Instead I'm sure they'll keep it open and further complicate an already major parking problem and place the burden on the shoulders of the people who rented slips there. The south parking lot which was used for trailer parking is completely dedicated to the dredge operation now so that space is lost. Add to that the lost parking spots because of the restaurant construction which is probably ~60 spots, the spots which will be lost for their equipment and the construction workers vehicles coupled with party boat patrons and Pier 9 traffic and that marina is going to be the wild wild west this year! Plus now no gas until Memorial Day and my guess would be possibly the entire season! Not good!

If Jack Baker and the town want a restaurant, the construction of which caused this accident, then in my opinion the same parties should be held responsible for an alternative solution so that the boat owners and slip lessees don't end up with the short end of the stick. The municipality at minimum should have disclosed all these facts before slip agreements were sent out and for all other boat owners on the river an alternative plan for gas should have been developed and if that wasn't feasible notice should have been provided well in advance of the season being upon us. It's a shame what's happening in Belmar........the legacy of being a fishing community is slowly being sold out by all your local politicians to the highest bidder! Tragic!

Last edited by dakota560; 04-29-2016 at 03:38 PM..
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Old 04-29-2016, 03:14 PM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

Originally Posted by NoLimit View Post
Too bad the city has no sense of urgency or money.

Seriously, how on earth can it take months and months and months to fix a 2 or 3" fuel line ; or why cant they get a fuel truck to tie into the fuel docks on a temporary basis?

It reminds me of the NYC skating rink. The city payed for it to be built 3 or 4 times over and after 10 years, it still was not done. Trump built it in several months and it was under budget.

The boat owners should get together, chip in a couple grand for an attorney, and put a claim in to get half their rent back plus loss of use of boats.
This is why they are being quiet about it..Look at the money that will be lost....I rely on it as well.....BS they can't or won't figure out how to correct this quicker for all...
Mike Reynolds
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Old 04-29-2016, 03:16 PM
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Default Re: Gas Issue Shark River

Moved this to boating and there is another post here on the same subject.. Check that out and see the suggestion for you all to band together and get a fuel delivery truck down there.... And yes, they will deliver gas too. The company that does this in the Atlantic Highlands is Swanton Fuel.

I'd give them a call and see if they would service Belmar and if not maybe they can suggest a company that could http://swantonheatcool.com/

Good luck guys. Having to run down to Manasquan for fuel has got to suck.

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Last edited by Gerry Zagorski; 04-29-2016 at 03:19 PM..
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