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Old 03-03-2016, 02:11 PM
Mark B. Mark B. is offline
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Default Take the Wild Trout Survey

March 3, 2016

The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife is conducting a short on-line survey to obtain angler feedback concerning New Jersey wild trout fishing opportunities. Wild trout are fish that reproduce naturally in a stream and are not raised in a fish hatchery and stocked. Some trout stocked waters have both stocked and wild trout present.

In particular, the opinions of anglers who fish in designated Wild Trout Streams or target wild (not stocked) trout in other streams are sought. Survey results, along with data collected during a two-year field sampling effort, will be used to guide future management and regulation decisions.

Anglers need to have their 9-digit Conservation ID Number (CID#) available before beginning the survey. This information, as well as zip codes, will only be used to assure that each angler responds only once. At no time will answers of specific individuals to specific questions be viewed.

The survey is being conducted using SurveyMonkey; take the survey now at www.surveymonkey.com/r/njwildtroutsurvey.
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Old 03-03-2016, 03:22 PM
Dave B. Dave B. is offline
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Default Re: Take the Wild Trout Survey

Done. I'm glad to see the survey up, and thanks for posting it Mark. Personally I'm against any further gear restrictions. If a population can't handle the angling pressure the stream shouldn't be advertised on the WTS list. We all know what happens when attention is called to any water by some special reg designation, they generally either get 'loved to death' , heavily poached by the relatively few ass hats out there, or some of both.
Likewise I'm against any change in bag limits. Again if the stream can't handle the pressure don't designate it.
My personal biggest gripe and one which I know is shared by others is access. No sense listing a stream as a 'WTS' if there's no way to fish it. Get me into say Clinton Brk and some others in that area and we can talk about some possible reg changes.
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Old 03-03-2016, 03:46 PM
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buzzbaiter buzzbaiter is offline
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Default Re: Take the Wild Trout Survey

Originally Posted by Dave B. View Post
My personal biggest gripe and one which I know is shared by others is access. No sense listing a stream as a 'WTS' if there's no way to fish it. Get me into say Clinton Brk and some others in that area and we can talk about some possible reg changes.
Agree with everything you say and yes access is the biggest issue. Only 3 or 4 streams are entirely accessible(we know what they are and they are the most fished) and most are posted. Never made any sense to me even listing those that are essentially off limits to the public. West Brook - for example - is a tremendous stream for both scenery & trout yet almost all of it is posted. Either gain us access or take it off the list. Sure some will say "hey just ask permission" but easier said then done and in all honesty most are rod & gun club posted/leased and the actual landowner lives no where near the stream(s).

I support barbless only and use of trebs. Single hooks are too restrictive. After all we are trying to catch fish, not lose them. Some harvest can be allowed - maybe 1 or 2 10"+ fish per day.

Took the warmwater survey as well. Lot of pike questions. I support no more stocking places where catch rates are lousy(Millstone) and stocking more in places where they are doing well(Passaic) and/or trying new places. Totally against any tournaments. This is NJ, not Texas or Minnesota. No need for them. I would support more lakes/rivers bass C&R as well. It can only help and not hurt.
If these heroes - aka criminals - just followed directions and didn’t resist or have an atttude, they’d be alive today.

Last edited by buzzbaiter; 03-03-2016 at 03:53 PM..
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