GAMBLER Canyon Report and Schedule
The canyon fishing remains good, catching yellowfin and longfin tunas from 30 to 100lbs. There has been a beautiful warm water eddy that has been moving slowly down the shelf wall and the fish are frenzied in it. Anglers on board are catching them on butterfish, sardines and squid baits. Jigs are also doing the job for the guys that stick with it. The water looks so good and promising that we've decided to fish into November --one day a week-- with the trips leaving 8PM and returning next day at aprox 8:00 on Tues nights. Don't miss it. Best Canyon fishing in years and no sign of it slowing-up.
Just a few days before the Gambler starts targeting stripers, fishing everyday except Tuesdays thru November and hopefully in December. Bring your favorite jigs and lures and let's get them chomping. Our first day will be November 1st.
We have some special dates set aside in late December for Jumbo Offshore Sea bass, Porgies, Cod, Pollock and Hake. Dates are on the Zerve page or call Jill.
Call Jill for reservations or info on any of these trips at 732-295-7569