Wow, what a day! It all got started when i received a call from captain kevin last night saying how his porgy fishing charter had some kids and they wanted to reschedule due to the hard winds that were projected. He asked me and my father to join him on a bottom fishing trip.... how could i resist?
Broke shark river inlet at 645 to birds breaking in every direction chasing rainfish and other little bait. Once we confirmed that there were no bass, we shot off to the rough bottom.
First drop of the day produced a steady pick of porgies, triggerfish, blackfish and some monster out of season seabass (that we will be allowed to keep in 1 week!!). We loaded up the cooler with some nice porgies and big triggers. The triggers were ferocious! I am very pleased to still see them hanging around! Once this dried up, we headed to one of kevin's honey holes to get us in on some blackfish.
The tog bite was on! A fast-paced-pick of quality fish! We landed some real hogs today and broke off a few more i wish we could have seen. Again, my dad had the hot hand, putting on a clinic for kevin and I. As for the pool fish, my dad came in first with his monster weighing 11 pounds 3 ounces(26 inches in length)! I came in second with a 10 pound 8 ouncer, and capt kevin, who was busy netting our fish

, joined in on the action landing a fish 8 pounds 8 ounces! Just a solid bite all day long. We were swinging 4 and 5 pound fish into the boat like it was nothing. Just stupid tog fishing. We had over 50 tog landed, 8 over 8 pounds, (we used a handheld scale), most of our fish hovering between 18-21 inches. We tired to measure most of our fish today, but it was hard to measure when you are rushing to drop your bait back down.
Almost forgot! We caught a fluke on a green crab, while on anchor, in the middle of october...... Someone explain that
Would like to give a big thanks to capt Kevin from fishtank fishing charters, he had us on fish from start to finish and it was a spectacular day catching big tog with a good friend and my old man. All big blackfish were released, there is no better feeling than catching a monster, taking a picture and releasing them back to the bottom to fight again another day. pics should be added below