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Old 09-30-2015, 12:14 PM
MudCat08's Avatar
MudCat08 MudCat08 is offline
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Default Bear Swamp Brook

Went to go fishing there recently for brook trout since my first ever brook trout came from that stream, but not only was the brook dried up completely, the private community there forbids fishing and hiking up the path that leads to bear swamp lake...

Anyone here fished the brook in the past / know what's going on now? Is that stream closed to us forever?

A bit disappointed. If any brook trout survived they would be right next to bear swamp lake's dam where there may still be some water left. Or they all went to Ramapo River, or died off completely from the drought
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Old 09-30-2015, 01:20 PM
thyer thyer is offline
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Default Re: Bear Swamp Brook

That does sound disappointing. Is there trail access from ramapo reservation? As much as I think public access to all resources should be law, I understand why places get shut down. The public has an element that doesn't take care of the area in a way that makes others willing to accept visitors. When I lived in MA every body of water has to have some form of public access and NY at least what I've seen in the adirondacks is a focus on preserving/expanding public access. We need to preserve public access because without it I will have to start being more of a salt water fisherman
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Old 09-30-2015, 02:11 PM
Esox Luciano Esox Luciano is offline
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Default Re: Bear Swamp Brook

WHAT A HIKE!! I personally haven't had to troop the path since acquiring some codes for that big locked gate, but sometimes do see random hikers I think might have a lil connection too. Been there a few times in the last 2 months and can say I haven't seen that brook soo damn dry like it is now! Maybe some well needed rain will change that but every waterbody I've hit recently is down at least 2-3 feet. I'd say better luck elsewhere.
You can't catch fish from ur couch.
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