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Old 09-17-2015, 10:52 PM
Cuz Cuz is offline
NJFishing.com Ambassador
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 917
Default Cape May fluke

I'm down in Cape May for the firemans relief convention which is held in Wildwood every year. Fished on the only all day boat sailing out of CM, Porgy 1V. Took a two hour ride to some rock bottom. I caught three shorts. Saw a 7lb., a 4lb and three other keepers caught along with several shorts. I could see the top of the Oregon River Bridge, Del. and Ocean City, Md. high rises in the distance. Pretty kool.

What I don't understand is they made N.J. and N.Y. rules the same for fluke because we both share the Raritan and Sandy Hook Bay. But N.J. shares a bigger bay, the Delaware Bay, with Delaware. They fish in our waters and can keep 16" fluke. They keep what we have to throw back. WTF! Who are the idiots who came up with this? One end of the state differs than the other end? It's so unfair. Polititions need to step up and finally see the light that most of the rules are not working. N.Y. has an open seabass season. N.J. is closed. ??? Fishing, which is suppose to be a fun sport, has become frustrating. I'm just totally bummed out and disappointed about all of the screwy and unfair rules.
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