Some Bass with my Son
So we got to that pond with smallmouths I posted on a month ago, Matt catches a 10-inch largemouth, first cast, I go left a little and soon miss the suck from a real nice one right next to patch of floating weeds. Chompers plastics, weightless. I tell Matt the bass are along the shoreline where we were just beginning. So he turns the other way and proceeds along the shoreline that's too shallow...but keeps going off into the distance. Nevertheless, I figure I'll be on the bass, have eliminated bad water, sad that Matt won't catch more. We meet up an hour later. I caught a 10-inch largemouth and 11-inch smallmouth. He caught too more largemouths, just 10 & 11 inches, but lost a big one & another a little smaller...and described drop-offs with boulders, submerged brush, and the branches beavers had cut...beautiful bass water he found while beating me double.