Mad gaffer striped bass/Fluke report 8/31
we were out today stripe bass fishing and wound up with everyone havingone keeper and quite a few shorts , the biggest fish being about 15 pounds, After that we had a reasonable two hours of fluke fishing, a fair amount of keepers , But no really big fish , Maybe 4 1/2 pounds was our biggest .all in all it was a good day. We have an open boat trip"schedule for tomorrow ,for striped bass and fluke , with plenty of spots available . call for information and reservations.( PS we also have an open trip scheduled through out the week all leaving for our Keyport location)
Captain Ray Burke Mad Gaffer II
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Fast 35' Diesel
Giant Cockpit Fishing 1 -12 People
Sailing from Belmar and Keyport
Open Boat and Charters Available
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