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Old 06-02-2015, 11:58 AM
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Default Tilefish - regulatory hearing in Delaware

Call, write or attend even if you think it won't help. Like that old expression goes, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Dennis

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Old 06-03-2015, 09:51 PM
Dave A Dave A is offline
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Default Re: Tilefish - regulatory hearing in Delaware

Dennis, Jeff and I went to the Cape May meeting last night. Capt Jim from the Atlantic Star was also there. That was it for rec fishermen. There were 11 commercial fishermen there. Funny that there are all these new 6 man tile charter boats that post catches but have no time to attend meetings. Worse yet, the Cape May charter boats did not even attend. They had a meeting in Riverhead, NY the night before and no one attended. I guess New Yorkers are even more apathetic then New Jersey anglers and Captains.

The Reel Seat, Inc
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707 Union Ave (Rt 71), Brielle
(732) 223-5353
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Old 06-04-2015, 10:32 AM
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Default Re: Tilefish - regulatory hearing in Delaware

Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
Dennis, Jeff and I went to the Cape May meeting last night. Capt Jim from the Atlantic Star was also there. That was it for rec fishermen. There were 11 commercial fishermen there. Funny that there are all these new 6 man tile charter boats that post catches but have no time to attend meetings. Worse yet, the Cape May charter boats did not even attend. They had a meeting in Riverhead, NY the night before and no one attended. I guess New Yorkers are even more apathetic then New Jersey anglers and Captains.
That's so pathetic to read that. Maybe those last few photos of BLT's lying on the dock was what all NOAA needed. Who knows but I do know, it didn't help. As for our NY comrades, hopefully they will enjoy fishing for Rosies on their multiple day trips to pass the time away until NOAA says that they too are endangered from us manually fisherman..

I wonder what's going to happen in Delaware on June 24th? No need for a public meeting now, Option 1 is in. I'll call and see if I can get an answer. Dennis
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Old 06-04-2015, 10:40 AM
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Default Re: Tilefish - regulatory hearing in Delaware

Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
Dennis, Jeff and I went to the Cape May meeting last night. Capt Jim from the Atlantic Star was also there. That was it for rec fishermen. There were 11 commercial fishermen there. Funny that there are all these new 6 man tile charter boats that post catches but have no time to attend meetings. Worse yet, the Cape May charter boats did not even attend. They had a meeting in Riverhead, NY the night before and no one attended. I guess New Yorkers are even more apathetic then New Jersey anglers and Captains.
Dave, was this mtg known in advance? I dont recall seeing any info on the mtg. If i would of known, i would of came.
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Old 06-04-2015, 01:37 PM
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Default Re: Tilefish - regulatory hearing in Delaware

Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
Dennis, Jeff and I went to the Cape May meeting last night. Capt Jim from the Atlantic Star was also there. That was it for rec fishermen. There were 11 commercial fishermen there. Funny that there are all these new 6 man tile charter boats that post catches but have no time to attend meetings. Worse yet, the Cape May charter boats did not even attend. They had a meeting in Riverhead, NY the night before and no one attended. I guess New Yorkers are even more apathetic then New Jersey anglers and Captains.
You make some good points dave, cant imagine that anyone who counts on this or any fishery to make a living would not want to be heard. I smell a couple day jobs
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Old 06-04-2015, 01:38 PM
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Default Re: Tilefish - regulatory hearing in Delaware

I wonder what's going to happen in Delaware on June 24th? No need for a public meeting now, Option 1 is in. I'll call and see if I can get an answer. Dennis[/QUOTE]

I spoke to Stewart Michels(DNREC), the meeting is still going to be held. He also said, if one can't attend, a letter will Suffice as if one stood up and voiced their opinion. They could invoke Option 2, the aggregate one which is worse. We also talked about photos of BLT's, there's a positive n negative side to those photos as we know. The positive side is showing that they are abundant and don't need to be regulated. Mother nature, feeding habits do protect them from us, rec guys. I've been on more than one tile trip where Not one was caught. The negative side, if one wants to believe this, every boat that fish's for them will always have a Bail job, yea right, so then, they need to be protected. He also said he got a call the other day from a commercial guy who witness the unloading of a few thousands pounds of BLT's at a Jersey port. This whole scenario reminds one when I was in Catholic grammar school in Bklyn where one kid in my class didn't score a 100% on a spelling test so the whole class got punished and we all had to stay after school and study. True story. I couldn't comprehend that then, and I can't comprehend what's happening now. We, the rec anglers are taking the blame alone with the long liners. It's So Unfair.... Dennis

Last edited by Tunarun; 06-04-2015 at 01:41 PM..
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Old 06-04-2015, 05:14 PM
Dave A Dave A is offline
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Default Re: Tilefish - regulatory hearing in Delaware

Originally Posted by captnvinny View Post
Dave, was this mtg known in advance? I dont recall seeing any info on the mtg. If i would of known, i would of came.
The meeting was announced several weeks ago and also posted on the MAMFC site. I believe there was a thread on this site as well.

The Reel Seat, Inc
Serving the Salt Water fishing community since 1982
707 Union Ave (Rt 71), Brielle
(732) 223-5353
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