1986 Johnson 140 VRO power tilt died
Well after 7 plus years of storage, the Turf & Surf is headed back into the water. After lowering the motor to free the frozen teleflex steering cable, the power tilt just stopped. No motor whine, no clicks just dead. I need to lift the motor to check out a broken ground that I think is the problem, but don't know exactly how. A YouTube video says there should be a relief screw on the right side of the transom mount. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I can't check this until Sunday morning as I'm back home for the night. More questions related to this below.... BTW, I'm happy to say I was able to fix the steering for free, just needed some deep creep, a 3lb hammer, some steel wool and fresh marine grease. One small hurdle has been jumped.
1. Can a 140 be tilted up manually if I do find the screw?
2. If I loose any power tilt/trim fluid, what can replace it?
3. The whole power tilt unit looks pretty beat, even 7yrs ago a tech said it should be replaced, am I better of replacing or repairing? I understand that they can be pricey.
4. The tilt/trim button is on my shift/throttle handle, would there be a fuse or relay between the handle and tilt motor that could have gone out? I ask this because if I remember correctly, the ground wire that I want to fix was broken many yrs ago and the tilt always worked until this afternoon.
Thanks in advance for any input you may have.