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Old 03-05-2015, 12:01 PM
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Default Not clear on the bass rule change

So the meeting is changed to April and I guess we are all in limbo until then. It is my understanding that we will indeed get a bonus tag, I hope so because I already paid 2 bucks for my 2015 tag. I believe there are 2 options for the bonus fish and they are 28" or better or (what I want) a slot fish 24"-28"

MY QUESTION: Do you have to catch the two non-bonus fish first before you are allowed to keep the 3rd fish? We didn't have this quandry before as all fish were the same length.
Will we have to kill a 43" + cow in order to keep that additional fish?
If this is the case than the bonus tag is basically a total waste time and a disgrace to the idea of conservation, the very reason for these regulation changes.
I hope this is NOT the case as it would encourage angler greed.

Hopefully the bonus tag will let NJ anglers to keep a pair of smaller fish instead of forcing us to take a cow before we are allowed the extra fish. The fish granted to us by the NJ moratorium on commercial striped bass fishing, something I think the out of state cry babies who want a 1 bass limit should remember.
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Old 03-05-2015, 02:59 PM
KevinH KevinH is offline
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Default Re: Not clear on the bass rule change

This whole thing is back asswards. It should be 1 fish from 24-28 1 fish from 28-43 with the option to buy a bonus tag for 1 fish 43+. But that might hurt the profit on bonus tags so im sure we will never see it.
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Old 03-05-2015, 03:38 PM
BOOMER43 BOOMER43 is offline
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Default Re: Not clear on the bass rule change

When has the government done anything that makes sense?!
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Old 03-05-2015, 03:47 PM
Dave A Dave A is offline
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Default Re: Not clear on the bass rule change

Why not just call the state for clarification?

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Old 03-05-2015, 11:18 PM
Billfish715 Billfish715 is offline
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Default Re: Not clear on the bass rule change

Good observation about the bonus tag. I'm sure that was not even considered when the vote went down. It will certainly be considered before this is finalized. Don't expect that bonus fish to be 28" however! " Honest officer, I caught and released my second fish ( a 45 incher) and this 28" fish is my bonus fish. See, here's my bonus tag from the state". Once the council sees the problem, there will be changes. I don't see how they can continue the bonus program and hold to the idea of reducing the harvest. The option as it is now is still 2 fish at 28" plus a 28+" bonus fish until the regs are finalized. This debate will be a good one to watch. There are great captains and fishermen on this site and this issue could have been avoided if the council would have considered running it past the rank and file first. Consider your $2.00 to be a donation to someone's coffee break fund.
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Old 03-06-2015, 07:27 PM
Capt Sal Capt Sal is offline
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Default Re: Not clear on the bass rule change

Originally Posted by Billfish715 View Post
Good observation about the bonus tag. I'm sure that was not even considered when the vote went down. It will certainly be considered before this is finalized. Don't expect that bonus fish to be 28" however! " Honest officer, I caught and released my second fish ( a 45 incher) and this 28" fish is my bonus fish. See, here's my bonus tag from the state". Once the council sees the problem, there will be changes. I don't see how they can continue the bonus program and hold to the idea of reducing the harvest. The option as it is now is still 2 fish at 28" plus a 28+" bonus fish until the regs are finalized. This debate will be a good one to watch. There are great captains and fishermen on this site and this issue could have been avoided if the council would have considered running it past the rank and file first. Consider your $2.00 to be a donation to someone's coffee break fund.
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Old 03-07-2015, 07:30 AM
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Default Re: Not clear on the bass rule change

Here's the only rule you have to remember....Bend Over!
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Last edited by 1captainron; 03-07-2015 at 11:43 AM..
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Old 03-07-2015, 07:47 AM
Rubberhead Rubberhead is offline
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Default Re: Not clear on the bass rule change

Capt. Ron. You forgot to add Thank you sir may I please have another.
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Old 03-08-2015, 11:09 AM
Billfish715 Billfish715 is offline
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Default Re: Not clear on the bass rule change

Originally Posted by JBird View Post
So the meeting is changed to April and I guess we are all in limbo until then.

MY QUESTION: Do you have to catch the two non-bonus fish first before you are allowed to keep the 3rd fish? We didn't have this quandry before as all fish were the same length.
Will we have to kill a 43" + cow in order to keep that additional fish?
If this is the case than the bonus tag is basically a total waste time and a disgrace to the idea of conservation, the very reason for these regulation changes.
I hope this is NOT the case as it would encourage angler greed.

Hopefully the bonus tag will let NJ anglers to keep a pair of smaller fish instead of forcing us to take a cow before we are allowed the extra fish. The fish granted to us by the NJ moratorium on commercial striped bass fishing, something I think the out of state cry babies who want a 1 bass limit should remember.
I agree that we are all in Limbo until the final decision is reached in April. Your question and your point is well taken. The plan which includes the bonus tag seems to promote greed especially in the spring when there are bigger fish to be caught. A bonus tag will more than likely be used in the spring than in the fall when fewer 43+ inch fish are around. Most fishermen will be limited to just one fish in the fall because the chance of catching a 43+" fish is remote. I guess that's how the reduction will be done. A lot more reduction was already done in the spring when fishermen were able to harvest more breeders.

So, if you catch the 43 inch fish and then catch a 44 incher, do you keep it so you can use your tag to catch an "eater" sized fish? Do you keep two fish between 28-43 inches in hopes of catching a plus 43" fish and not getting caught?

The bonus tag for a fish greater than 28" and under 43" is not promoting conservation of the breeders which are the future of the fishery. A slot fish somewhere under 28" makes much more sense as it would put less pressure on the breeders. Even a slot fish of 28 to 32 inches makes sense. Once the council realizes what could happen with a bonus program which promotes the taking of larger fish, they might go for a slot proposal. A lucky angler might be able to keep two 43" bass as well as one over 43" with the current proposal. To me, it's over kill.
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Old 03-08-2015, 12:08 PM
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Default Re: Not clear on the bass rule change

Take lots of pictures and release the fish. The pictures taste better too in all honesty guys I believe the best thing for or fishery is to practice and preach catch and release. Taking a fish or two for the table is a good thing. Nothing tastes quite as good as a fresh caught fresh. I would think most of us here fish more than once a week. I try to fish at least twice if not three times a week weather permitting. So for me it's pretty much catch and release with the bass. All big fish whether it be bass, fluke, blackfish etc are all released. When we take out others on the boat fishing with us we ask them to practice catch and release also. Always taking pics and creating fond memories. It's all about the thril of the chase for us. But hey that's us. To each his own. I would never condem anyone for keeping their catch. But I do promote C & R to all I fish with. If we all do our part it makes a difference.
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