GAMBLER Canyon Report
We have had to cancel quite a few trips due to the weather lately which, unfortunately, is the norm for this time of year. A little rough is okay but we don't want the trip to be an uncomfortable or unsafe experience. Our last two trips went Friday/Sat and Monday/Tues. The seas were bumpy but definitely fishable. The tuna fishing was slow on both, but mahi and tilefish helped put fillets in the cooler. Yesterday we tangled into some large swordfish. One, very big, 300 to 400 lbs broke off after an hour fight and 10 times around the boat. Another, 250lber was landed around day light. The yellowfin and longfin were bigger, 60 to 70 lbers --just not enough of them. We did manage to catch quite a few bigger mahi yesterday, which really helped the trip --the guys had a lot of fun and everyone had a nice bag of fillets to bring home. Fernando, who caught the big swordfish was good enough to share his catch with anyone on board who wanted to take some steaks home. We canceled the trip that was supposed to leave this morning due to rough sea conditions. Our next trips are scheduled to leave this weekend --hopefully the weather will cooperate. We are possibly looking to put another trip together for November 4th.