Ocean Explorer Tuesday
5-20-14 Wow!!What a spectacular day,,Flat calm and beautiful!!We had another nice gang show up to take advantage of it...Fishing was off unfortunatley though,,,the sea bass were just not in the mood..a few here and there but ling made up most of the catch...Still not nearly the fishing we had yesterday,,I guess they needed the day off....In the end we cut a fair amount of fish up(more ling than bass),,just not enough I though for the crowd..I believe Dominic has the pool in this picture below with a 3lb.sea bass...Threw back some nice blackfish again,,we also had couple of nice winter flounder that we kept..No fluke that I saw today,,,I like the weather for tomorrow,,we are all set for another nice day!!See ya for coffee!!
Last edited by Ocean Explorer; 05-20-2014 at 03:47 PM..