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Old 04-25-2014, 07:59 PM
Uncle Nicky Uncle Nicky is offline
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Default Gotta Love the BSing on this site

Don't care much for party boats, I'd rather spend the extra $$ and get on an open charter. Due to circumstances beyond my control, wound up on a party boat today.

The captain's report on this site reads like it was the best day of the year...laughable. 30 guys caught 30 keepers, and the bite shut off by 11:30. Decent day on a party boat, but nothing to brag about. I got one bite all day, and the mate managed to knock it off the line with his netting expertise. Anyone who didn't try crowding the back of the boat got skunked.

I get it, they're trying to drum up business. But if this is a great day, I'd hate to be on his boat on a crummy day.
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Old 04-25-2014, 08:06 PM
njfisherman1975 njfisherman1975 is offline
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Default Re: Gotta Love the BSing on this site

Same type of thing could and does happen on charter boats too. The way I see it...being out on the water is a great day...if you catch something to bring home...it's a bonus. Every day can't be a slaughter...I know there are going to be days and trips like that this year for me...and either way I will do that for the rest of my life...
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Old 04-25-2014, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: Gotta Love the BSing on this site

Hey Uncle Nicky, sorry to hear, could be a variety of reasons, but most importantly you have your health and were out fishing. Go with what you feel is your best option for your wallet and catching fish and you will have a banner day real soon, there are a lot of fish out there!
Capt Fred Gamboa
Andreas Toy Charters
(732) 672-1561
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Old 04-25-2014, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: Gotta Love the BSing on this site

A few things (& this not knowing or caring what boat you fished on).

1-If they did catch 30 keepers as you said, it probably has been there best day of the year so far to date as the bite has just started. So in essence the captain's report was accurate.

2-It's a well known fact that usually when clamming from a party boat the stern and few spots up each side are the prime spots. That is why people get there hours before the scheduled departing time to secure one of those spots. That being said, there have been numerous occasions when there was a wind against tide situation and the bow of the boat was the place to be. There have been plenty of times when I was in the stern and noticed a wind against tide situation and discreetly moved to the bow and slammed them while those in the stern barely had a bite. Bottom line, pay attention to conditions.

3-We've all at one time or another lost fish at the net/gaff-it happens, get over it & move on.
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Old 04-25-2014, 09:25 PM
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Default Re: Gotta Love the BSing on this site

Thanks skolman.....i wasnt ther . However i think you just had a ruff day and are kind of venting here you said yourself you do better in the fall...me fishing blows spring blows fall away however i see picts of fish on that report. If there was 3o guys should beeen there 3o earlier to get abetter spot ...you have posted this b4 about all the boats lying now you started a thread i think this should be delted as its a direct blow to a sponser areyou on this site just to start crap? I start my fair share of crap but i also have some valuable input but if you know better than stay off the party boats
I don't know the scientific reasons, but to put it bluntly, striper fishing sucked this spring.

I have to laugh at some of the reports I've read on here, from captains I fished with who said they had a "steady pick" of striped bass on full day trips.

Here is what I experienced:

Early May/off Asbury Park- 4 guys fished, 3 stripers caught

Mid-May-Raritan Bay- 6 guys fished, 4 stripers caught

Mid-May- Raritan Bay- 2 guys fished, 3 stripers caught, 1 short

Late May- Raritan Bay- 5 guys fished, no stripers caught

Last Saturday-Raritan Bay (afternoon trip)- 11 guys fished, 1 striper caught

I realize this is "fishing", not "catching". Hopefully, the fall run will be better.
Kinda looks like user error in my opinion!
Use it up -- wear it out", make it do or do without!!!!
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Old 04-25-2014, 09:35 PM
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Default Re: Gotta Love the BSing on this site

I was on the boat I think u are referencing Yes the bite SLOWED down at 11:30 due to the tide change in the bay plus the wind moving us around. You are fishing the bay and this should be expected. Another reason why charters offer two trips per day in the bay.

If you stuck at it like the guys in the corners with swim shads you kept catching. Plus knowing how to let line out and bring back in during boat swings kept ur weight in place and thus better chance to get bit.
Then we had the last flury at 1:15-1:40 ish when at least 10 more were caught.

The mate was great all day...hands down. He always does a good job.

Fishing on a party boat is much different then fishing on a charter. If you go in expecting not to work hard for the bite then don't take the trip. You need to be prepared for all the possibilities including the skunk. It's a numbers game sometimes as well.

But no matter what it's better then going to work.
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Old 04-25-2014, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Gotta Love the BSing on this site

yea, the mates dont bait my hook,they would not cast my walmart set-up,because the reel keep falling off, also some of the guides an the tip is broken,,,an they would not let me put my folding lounge on the stern ,,,,yea party boats only want the once year guy,,,,thats why i use a 6 packer they treat me like-----,,,plus they have nice padded lounge chairs ,hook up the fish,land it,let me take a picture with it,an let me take it home. PLEASE GET A GRIP BETTER YET GET A LIFE NOBODY WANTS TO READ ABOUT A GRUMPY PERSONS POST........
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Old 04-25-2014, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Gotta Love the BSing on this site

everyone knows what happen.. HHHMMMMMM
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Old 04-25-2014, 09:38 PM
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Default Re: Gotta Love the BSing on this site

Not sure who you are maybe you'll recognize me by my profile picture... Yes, I completely agree it was not a beat down by any means. The bite died completely once the winds/slack tide hit at 11:30, and before that it was just a hot pick at times, but overall it was a solid day of fishing. There were several people who had 4/5 keepers by themselves. I managed one keeper and a short and lost a real nice one, my father landed 2 keepers. From my view point it wasn't about the stern or bow being the hot hand, but those who casted out instead of just sinking their clam beneath the boat caught the most. Those that worked were rewarded.

I forget the mate's name but he busted his ass off most of the day for his patrons IMO. He was the lone crewmember on deck and I think did a good job(I'm not the easiest to impress either, it's why I typically stick to a certain Belmar boat). Mistakes do happen.
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Old 04-25-2014, 10:03 PM
Uncle Nicky Uncle Nicky is offline
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Default Re: Gotta Love the BSing on this site

Sorry if I ruffled some feathers gents, but I just call it how I see it. Just wish some of the reports here were a little more honest....

I do agree the mate worked hard, and I've been on far worse trips.

Originally Posted by kmaty View Post
but if you know better than stay off the party boats
Good advice sir, I usually don't go on the head boats, but the captain I usually go with cancelled due to equipment failure. Next time I'll save a vacation day.
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