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Hudson Canyon Fail Insufishent Funds 12/1/13 - NJFishing.com Your Best Online Source for Fishing Information in New Jersey

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Old 12-02-2013, 03:56 PM
in$ufi$hentfund$ in$ufi$hentfund$ is offline
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Default Hudson Canyon Fail Insufishent Funds 12/1/13

Tired to make a late year run to the Hudson on the venture. planned a departure time of 1 am on sat night and in the slip there was no wind at just like they called for. upon hitting the inlet we notice a slight swell it wasn't until we hit the bell buoy that we realized it was not light and Variable. we made it 22 miles off shore before we pulled the plug. this was the first time in my life I quit and turned around on a trip but there was so much spray that even through my 9 sided enclosure it was like some one was hitting our bought with a pressure washer. its never fun coming out of the water in the dark especially when your only doing 20knots. its also a lot of fun when your within a half mile of a cruise ship and they light you up like a Christmas tree with there spot light. that is when I relized how big the seas were. it did make me feel a lot better when I called it quits so did the 52 and 61 Viking I was running with. cant win them all. heres a link to the video of the cruise ship lighting us up....lol

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Old 12-02-2013, 04:20 PM
shrimpman steve's Avatar
shrimpman steve shrimpman steve is offline
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Default Re: Hudson Canyon Fail Insufishent Funds 12/1/13

That sucks, but better safe than sorry!

Maybe he lit you up because he thought you were a pirate
Captain Shrimpy
100 ton master captain
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Old 12-02-2013, 05:15 PM
Max@Pride Fishing Tackle Max@Pride Fishing Tackle is offline
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Default Re: Hudson Canyon Fail Insufishent Funds 12/1/13

It took my friend 7.5hrs to get there and my brother in a 61' Viking turn around too. I think you two are the smart ones.
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Old 12-02-2013, 05:44 PM
Gerry Zagorski's Avatar
Gerry Zagorski Gerry Zagorski is offline
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Default Re: Hudson Canyon Fail Insufishent Funds 12/1/13

Always tough to make the call to turn back. Better to be safe than sorry.

Gerry Zagorski <><

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Old 12-02-2013, 05:50 PM
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the1jonc the1jonc is offline
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Default Re: Hudson Canyon Fail Insufishent Funds 12/1/13

You've got to be in it to win it. At least you tried. You made the right call.
"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
Origin unknown but often attributed to Mark Twain
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Old 12-02-2013, 07:42 PM
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Default Re: Hudson Canyon Fail Insufishent Funds 12/1/13

Originally Posted by in$ufi$hentfund$
Tired to make a late year run to the Hudson on the venture. planned a departure time of 1 am on sat night and in the slip there was no wind at just like they called for. upon hitting the inlet we notice a slight swell it wasn't until we hit the bell buoy that we realized it was not light and Variable. we made it 22 miles off shore before we pulled the plug. this was the first time in my life I quit and turned around on a trip but there was so much spray that even through my 9 sided enclosure it was like some one was hitting our bought with a pressure washer. its never fun coming out of the water in the dark especially when your only doing 20knots. its also a lot of fun when your within a half mile of a cruise ship and they light you up like a Christmas tree with there spot light. that is when I relized how big the seas were. it did make me feel a lot better when I called it quits so did the 52 and 61 Viking I was running with. cant win them all. heres a link to the video of the cruise ship lighting us up....lol


There is no doubt you made the right call. Running 6 or 7 hours in those seas and those temps leaves very little margin of error if any. Too bad the conditions didn't work for you that night but you guys get a huge A for effort. You're decision to turn around took more stones than the decision to push on. You made the right call and will have many more productive trips as a result. There's no trip or fish worth losing your life over and the effects it would have on your loved ones. You'll be back out soon enough with the right conditions and no cruise ship spot lights! God only knows what that Captain must have thought! I'm sure the first thing that came to his mind wasn't guys heading off for blue fins!

Great effort, absolutely the right call and thanks for sharing your story.

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Old 12-02-2013, 08:47 PM
NoLimit NoLimit is offline
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Default Re: Hudson Canyon Fail Insufishent Funds 12/1/13

Are you sure that wasnt water cannon from the ship?

Maybe they thought you were pirates trying to board with grappling hooks.
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