Prowler5 - Wed., Aug. 14th, Fluke Report, Capt. Scott
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. With the strong NW winds today 25-30 we were hampered to where we could fish today. Had to take a ride down the Jersey shore and hide behind a mountain. That being said, we still ended up with 20 something keepers, some short action and a ton of birds. One thing about our Harbor we always have a nice place to hide in calm, sheltered water. Nothing real big on the pool today but Don Losino of Lodi took today's pool with a 3-1/2 lber. Looks good for tomorrow. Me, Rob and Brian will see you tomorrow in the A.M. at 5:30. Thx., Capt. Scott
Last edited by Prowler5; 08-14-2013 at 07:20 PM..