7-17-13 Another "WOW " day of fishing
WOW ! ! what a perfect day to be on the water, with a good drift and a calm ocean and a beautiful summer day . Today, is was you call a good " fluke fishing day". Lots of action all day.. Ask the pool winner Ronnie with his 6 lb. 8 oz. fluke, ask the other people in the group , who went home with their limit of keeper fluke, and others who went home with 4 keepers and those who had 3-4 and some and 2-3 keepers and as usual there were also short fluke that kept you busy... All the different lures were effective today along with bait users.. Join Us, the Fluke are waiting for you..
Check our web site for pictures:
Fluke we have been catching on the Capt. Cal Join us we leave daily at 7:30 am, no reservation required..