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Old 06-25-2013, 09:20 AM
GDubya07's Avatar
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Thumbs up Tagged Fish - Open Boat 6-24-13

Hit Tagged Fish Open Boat and once again was not dissapointed - Great deepwater bottom fishing - CATCHING -

We started out nice an early and took a beautiful ride and steamed to were the capatin wanted to be . Stopping here and there on the way out to see what was there . We only had a pick of sea-bass, ling and fluke or two but once again Captain Chad was not satisfied .

Finally we found what was maybe/acceptable to Captain Chad but was great for the crew ( he is never satisfied with the fishing- like any great capatin and always wants the best bite/fishing for his crew and NEVER dissapoints or stops until he finds it). Then it was game on until the congers ( Ugly louies moved in ) , Then we do a little pig-n-jig and the Wiggles-Wiggles-Wiggles- Wiggles-Wiggles Dance , The fishies come back (ling-sea bass) then the Uglies move in again . Rinse and repeat -

What a great trip and even better eats - went home with a HUGE bag Of-Fillets and my freezer is FILLED - THANK YOU Captain Chad and Jay

The crew - Miami Sal - great catching even though you are a dolphins fan and who has it better then you ? How many trips you got this week ? Dommy - great laffing with you. John you are a fishing machine and I aint proud that you caught most of my fish and my freezer is full - nice meeting your ringer " Frank " who actually caught some fish for his family this time. And I apologize there was one more guy I forget his name but we were laffing at the dock after we read what was online and what is considered a great catch/date . Whats her number again ??? - Cant make this crap up. Jay the mate you look like a lifeguard but fish like an animal and yes we now viacariuosly live through you - yes I am old - never forget your music and I believe you are working during that music festival next month and cant have off ???

Myself typical self-abused Jet fan with my Jest rod - which actually did much better than my jets but that is not saying much - This Bach-A-Galoop caught a Bacala - I was there for the captains entertainment and I can make anyone heads spin and drive them to drink -

Anyone out there on the fence about fishing with capatain Chad/Tagged Fish - dont hesitate like I did you will miss out on great fishing , great boat and one of the best charter guys out there , Dont believe me take a trip and tell me what you think ???

I never targeted bottom-fishing until 2 years ago when Capatin Chad did a RFA - donation/charter and he turned - This Mary-Martha- Fluker in to a Bottom Fishing guy , BTW the fish are pretty tasty too.

This was more than a fishing trip - more like a menatl health day - side effect I make everyone else mental - Tee Hee -Mee

The Name is G.W.

Last edited by GDubya07; 06-25-2013 at 09:24 AM.. Reason: update
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Old 06-25-2013, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Tagged Fish - Open Boat 6-24-13

Nice trip George I've got a freezer full of Sea Bass Filets and everyone luvs 'em !!
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Old 06-25-2013, 04:19 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Tagged Fish - Open Boat 6-24-13

WOW man you ain't trying to talk the ears off any one you can sure as Hello type them off. Nice job bud
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Old 06-25-2013, 05:11 PM
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Default Re: Tagged Fish - Open Boat 6-24-13

Great report GD, and it all rings true, Capt. Chad one of the best!
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Old 06-25-2013, 06:41 PM
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Default Re: Tagged Fish - Open Boat 6-24-13

Nice report. I've been on about a half dozen trips or so since I discovered him and his operation about a year and a half ago. Every time I step off his boat I say to myself, wow, that was a trip of all trips. I go again and find myself saying the exact same thing all over again. I've done a few blackfish trips as well a few bottom trips. Every trip is filled with great memories. And I owe it to him for putting me on my very first Thresher Shark as well as my first and only Purple Hake, both on the same day, both on my birthday. And I have caught the most Blackfish in a single day too.
Steve O'Connor
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