Nice size Striped Bass caught on the Jo-Jo
Captain Sal Cursi (Cathy Sea Charters) did it again today. Steve Failla from Flemington, Gentleman Drew from Winfield Park and myself limited out in no time on stripers up to 35 lbs. We released a few which neared 40 lbs. Returning big females loaded with eggs is the sportsmen way to go if you care about future striped bass populations.
We sailed at 5:00 am to cast net for bunkers. No problem there as Captain Sal threw a 12 foot cast net with little effort. I can't get an eight footer to open in a perfect circle. LOL
We then drifted either whole bunkers or bunker heads. Each worked equally well. We had multiple hook-ups several times.
I liked the fact that the Jo-Jo sails from Woodbridge which is the closet port to the fishing grounds. Short ride out and in allowing more fishing time.
As soon as the cowboys arrived running their boats through the fishing grounds at fast speed the fish spooked. When will the so called professional fishermen wake up? SLOW DOWN THROUGH THE FISHING AREA. You see other boats fishing, come to a crawl. Show some boating manners and courtesy.
We then tried for fluke which we found were not there as the water was still dirty and cold from all the rain. I managed a 10"er. All in all, a decent day fishing and weather wise. I'll take that combination all the time.
Last edited by Cuz; 06-21-2013 at 10:25 PM..