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Old 06-02-2013, 12:17 PM
Capt Sal Capt Sal is offline
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Default Our Spring Bass Run?

In the last few days stripers with sea lice came into Raritan Bay.They had roe in them and the males had milt!This run is like what we use to get 10 or 12 years ago.The spawned out Chesapeak fish did not get here yet.I would bet we will be cathing bass until early July.
Capt Sal

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Old 06-02-2013, 12:56 PM
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Default Re: Our Spring Bass Run?

I could Deal with that.
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Old 06-02-2013, 02:09 PM
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Default Re: Our Spring Bass Run?

Sal I hope you're right.

We've been spoiled with the big fish showing early the last few years - 10 years ago these big Chesapeake bunker fish were showing in mid June and there were a few years where we didn't have them till the end of the month or even July.
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Old 06-02-2013, 05:53 PM
Capt Sal Capt Sal is offline
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Default Re: Our Spring Bass Run?

Allen,Looking at my log books from 2001-2002 we did not start live lining in the ocean until the end of the first week of June.We caught bass good until July 11.Why would stripers come any any further north with the cold water.The Hudson bass are like salmon,they have to come North to go up the river and spawn.If The Chesapeak fish passed us up you would hear about them being caught in Montauk.Ain't So!!!!
Capt Sal

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Old 06-02-2013, 05:55 PM
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Default Re: Our Spring Bass Run?

Knowledge is power Capt.!!!!!!!!!!!! That comes with age.
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Old 06-02-2013, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: Our Spring Bass Run?

Originally Posted by Capt Sal Cathy Sea Charters
Allen,Looking at my log books from 2001-2002 we did not start live lining in the ocean until the end of the first week of June.We caught bass good until July 11.Why would stripers come any any further north with the cold water.The Hudson bass are like salmon,they have to come North to go up the river and spawn.If The Chesapeak fish passed us up you would hear about them being caught in Montauk.Ain't So!!!!
I dont think they are past us yet, BUT that being said, with the much colder than normal water inshore those fish more than likely are staying well beyond the fence.
The Chessy waters were ideal for the spawn a month ago. those fish are making their migration out where the temps are more consistant
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Old 06-03-2013, 06:38 AM
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Default Re: Our Spring Bass Run?

Originally Posted by Capt Sal Cathy Sea Charters
In the last few days stripers with sea lice came into Raritan Bay.They had roe in them and the males had milt!This run is like what we use to get 10 or 12 years ago.The spawned out Chesapeak fish did not get here yet.I would bet we will be cathing bass until early July.

I hear that every year and I must say that for the vast majority of the time it's true.

Does everybody believe that the Chasepeak bay fish have been through these waters yet.
Master of the Sea Monkey
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Old 06-03-2013, 11:31 AM
Gr8ful Fish Gr8ful Fish is offline
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Default Re: Our Spring Bass Run?

Chessie fish were here the week before Memorial day. Lots of 30+ lbs. fish from LBI to the hook ... most were spawned-out already.

With the onset of the cold temps over Memorial Day weekend, and the consistently Southern blow and heave that followed, the water temps along the beachfront plumetted. Oceanfront surface water temps are back into the 50's; that Southern wind just keeps upwelling more cold bottom ocean water to our beachfronts.

Many of the local bass that everyone is looking for in the bay have made their final push up into warmer rivers and back bay estuaries to finish their spawn, while others simply cruised offshore until they found more tolerable temps and food.

Whether or not we get those fish to come back depends entirely on the weather and the wind in the next few weeks. If the water temps are able to stabilize in the 60's, we will likely get the bass back.

However, if we get an extended period of hot temps & an absence of South wind, the temps could actually shoot up past the 60's and into the 70's. If that happens, it will be time to exchange the bass gear for outfits that can tackle theshers and brownies, because those bass will not want to stick around in the warm water.

Keeping my fingers crossed as I am not quite ready to give up on them yet.

- Gr8ful
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Old 06-04-2013, 10:59 AM
PLB PLB is offline
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Default Re: Our Spring Bass Run?

This is an interesting disucssion. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.

My bet is the best ocean live lining is yet to come!! Water temps dictate the catch.
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