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Old 05-15-2013, 07:14 PM
dales529 dales529 is offline
NJFishing.com Old Salt
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Default RFA-NJ Alert Drag Island Win


RFA Praises State Officials For Pledging Support for Access

May 14, 2013 - South Jersey surfcasters have claimed victory at Drag Island this
week after learning that efforts to preserve access rights to this historic Somers
Point walk-up hotspot have proven successful.

The Drag Island Access Preservation Association (DIAPA), together with the Recreational
Fishing Alliance (RFA) and its New Jersey chapter (RFA-NJ), was informed this week
by Sen. Jeff Van Drew (D-Cape May) that walk-on access will continue at Drag Island
once the State of New Jersey finishes completion of the new southbound Parkway bridge
project at Somers Point, and that plans to completely demolish the Beesley's Point
Bridge are being modified to accommodate fishermen and nature enthusiasts alike.

According to RFA executive director Jim Donofrio, the plan to preserve the access
rights enjoyed by New Jersey residents for the past 85 years includes a fishing
pier extension on the south side of Drag Island which will extend into Great Egg
Channel, with a portion of the Beesley's Point Bridge maintained for walk-on access
to Drag Island. This all comes by way of ongoing political negotiations following
months of public support and letter-writing by New Jersey anglers.

"I know sometimes folks get frustrated when things don't happen in government immediately,
but this is one particular access victory that would not have been possible without
the efforts of government officials, both elected and those appointed, who helped
fast-track this effort in Trenton," Donofrio said.

"In addition to Sen. Van Drew who has long championed angler issues in New Jersey,
RFA is thankful to the folks in the Christie Administration, particularly Commissioner
Bob Martin and his staff at the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) as
well as the Department of Transportation (DOT) who got together and figured out
a way to ensure progress with preservation," added Donofrio.

Van Drew, who originally met with anglers back in February regarding Drag Island,
gave credit to DOT Commissioner Jim Simpson, DEP Commissioner Martin, and Gov. Christie
for approving the project. "This couldn't have happened without them. This project
caps off an extraordinary commitment they have made to South Jersey. This truly
will increase public access in a way that makes sense and does not infringe on residents'
property rights. Generations of fishermen and nature lovers will enjoy this spectacular
area. This project is a win for residents and visitors alike," Van Drew said this
week in the Atlantic City Press [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=00120Ci_...CENy1_xxTJVy0].

"I would like to personally thank Senator Van Drew and the RFA for their tireless
efforts in Trenton to ensure the enjoyment of shore based fishing and other nature
related activities at Drag Island for generations to come," said founding DIAPA
representative and longtime RFA member Bill Shillingford. "We are also thankful
for the positive positions of the DEP and Division of Fish Game and Wildlife in
preserving access to Drag Island. This is a good example of how groups working together
for a common cause can get positive results."

George Bucci, a founding member of DIAPA, overjoyed at the news, said "Being local
to the area and having fished Drag Island over the years and now with my children,
I thought the access issue was important enough for me to get involved to preserve
access for everyone for future generations to enjoy. I cannot express how happy
I am about the results here."

Shillingford and Bucci both praised the efforts of another DIAPA founder, local
attorney and avid angler Pat Martin. "Without his sound legal advice and insightful
guidance, I am not sure we would be where we are right now."

"I am extremely pleased with the results here," Martin said. "Senator Van Drew took
the time out of his busy schedule to meet with us, genuinely listened to our concerns
and believed in our cause. RFA also committed to our efforts. I want to personally
commend the Senator and RFA for fighting in Trenton to preserve access to Drag Island
on our behalf."

RFA-NJ representative Greg O'Connell said the decision to protect public access
at Drag Island may seem a minor victory for folks not familiar with this particular
stretch of fishing area, but he explained that it's a huge public access win for
the state's anglers. "We've had so many meetings with the DEP in recent years where
we've heard the pledge of no net-loss of access, so in the grand scheme of things,
the preservation of Drag Island traditions helps set a major precedent for public
access in New Jersey."

The Atlantic City Press reported today that there would be parking on the Atlantic
County side, which Van Drew said eventually could be expanded into "a wonderful
recreation area." Van Drew noted the new southbound parkway bridge over Great Egg
Harbor Bay and Drag Island will also have an additional lane for cars and a separate
path for bicycles, the only bike lane on the parkway.

"With this project, we are creating a more convenient and efficient way for residents
to continue to enjoy our region's beautiful coastal areas. I want to thank the anglers
who worked on this issue and state officials who approached this idea with an open
mind. This is what happens when we all work together for the good of the community,"
Van Drew said.

Van Drew also reminded anglers that this could take some time to get accomplished,
perhaps a couple of years. "All the T's have not been crossed and the I's have not
been dotted," Van Drew told the Atlantic City Press.

O'Connell added that RFA-NJ will continue to monitor the progress of the initiative,
but added that the pledge from Van Drew and the Christie administration together
is great news for all New Jersey constituents.

"At a time when the state budget was being negotiated and an ongoing DOT project
was well underway, to take time to help shepherd our cause through the proper channels
in Trenton is proof that government does work when the people take the time to get
involved," O'Connell said.
RFA-NJ Member
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