Two on the board for 2013!!!!
Been out three times to my local spot, even though the weather has sucked lately still good to get out a bit and wasn't really expecting much first two times anyway. Had some time this afternoon so figured I'd try again since it was a decent day and it's warmed up a little bit. Got there and fishedthe first spot (riprap deeper area of lake) Nothing going on so moved to the next spot very shallow flat and hooked up shortly on a zoom double ringer.Fish felt good and sure enough it was! First Largemouth of the year!!!! Yea!!!Next cast bang! Decent pickerel. Wind was really kickin so moved to another lake there and fished the shallow side also after a few casts had my second Largemouth of the year! Missed two more hits, hard to finesse fish plastics when the winds crankin whitecaps on the lake!!!!! Check her out, nice one to start the year!!!
Last edited by GetANet; 04-01-2013 at 08:34 PM..