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Old 04-01-2013, 10:17 AM
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Default Coast guard or 911

When out on the water, should an emergency arise (within cell range) is it better to call the CG or call 911? Or call 16 on the VHF?

Also what channel do fishermen monitor and use out there?
Captain Shrimpy
100 ton master captain
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Old 04-01-2013, 10:28 AM
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Default Re: Coast guard or 911

Uhhhhh. Without a shadow of a doubt, I'd say Coast Guard emergency channel 16.

Channel 16. Mayday. Vessel in distress.

911 would probably hang up.

The only time the cell comes in handy, from as far as I've heard (on the water) is when the CG has trouble understanding you due static/radio traffic/interference.
'Tis better to have fished and lost than never to have fished at all.

Last edited by SaltyAngler; 04-01-2013 at 10:46 AM..
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Old 04-01-2013, 10:36 AM
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Default Re: Coast guard or 911

Yup Coast Guard channel 16, cell only a backup if boat loses power. and try to have gps coordinates ready.
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Old 04-01-2013, 11:56 AM
Flukemeister1 Flukemeister1 is offline
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Default Re: Coast guard or 911

Unless you are on fire or ready to sink it is faster/better to call to the local Coast Guard station rather than call Mayday. When you just call out Mayday it can take time to sort out which is the covering Coast Guard station and since there are often times overlapping areas of radio coverage you can have several responses to your Mayday and this can slow down the response time. When you call in an emergency the most important thing to get off first is the location of your boat. When you make the call repeat the Coast Guard's station's name three times, Coast Guard Station Sandy Hook, CG Station Sandy Hook, CG Station Sandy Hook and the vessels name three times, this gives them a chance to dial in the radio direction finder on your location. If your radio quits at this point they at least have a radio reference by which to start their search. Once you have given them the location of the boat then give them the number of people on board and then the nature of your problem. If you are running a private boat with guests it is always a great idea at the begining of the voyage to explain how to read the GPS and call for help if you are incompacitated.
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Old 04-01-2013, 12:03 PM
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Default Re: Coast guard or 911

Channel 16 hail USCG

Ambulances fire trucks n local pds can't walk on water!!
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Old 04-01-2013, 02:13 PM
Papasown Papasown is offline
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Default Re: Coast guard or 911

Hey Shrimpman, With a true emergency on the water, call out to the CG on Channel 16. If the emergency is threat of sinking, or uncontrollable fire use the term MAYDAY-MAYDAY. Be prepared to tell them of your GPS coordinates, and Boat Registration # ( I keep mine written on a piece of tape near the radio, so I won't forget when things go sideways.) Be ready to go to cell phone if batteries go under water and you lose power. ( I keep CG phone # on that same location). If the call is less serious, say PAN-PAN-PAN, and be prepared to say clearly and slowly the above information. If people are in the water, advise the CG, and if boat is nearby, call out, whistle(I keep police whistle at helm station), and have passengers wave to get that boat's attention. That boat will be your first line of rescue for persons in the water, and safety for you and your passengers. Be prepared, be safe............Papa
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Old 04-01-2013, 02:26 PM
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Default Re: Coast guard or 911

Great advice

Thanks for the responses guys
Captain Shrimpy
100 ton master captain
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Old 04-01-2013, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: Coast guard or 911

Always CG channel 16 and second call 911
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Old 04-01-2013, 05:52 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Coast guard or 911

Probably a good idea to keep as stated a Police Whistle, Air Horn, and Flare Gun if you are running outside.
Lots of good info on this post stay save.
Richie Dynes
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Old 04-03-2013, 10:31 AM
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Default Re: Coast guard or 911

When you vcall a Mayday everyone is responding in YOUR direction with Direction finders. FORGET THE CELL PHONE. Cell is back up.

Also any boat in your area can respond. Unless you know everyone's phone number... youre digging yourself into a deeper hole. And SOL!

The Cell is LAST RESORT.

Originally Posted by Flukemeister1
Unless you are on fire or ready to sink it is faster/better to call to the local Coast Guard station rather than call Mayday. When you just call out Mayday it can take time to sort out which is the covering Coast Guard station and since there are often times overlapping areas of radio coverage you can have several responses to your Mayday and this can slow down the response time. When you call in an emergency the most important thing to get off first is the location of your boat. When you make the call repeat the Coast Guard's station's name three times, Coast Guard Station Sandy Hook, CG Station Sandy Hook, CG Station Sandy Hook and the vessels name three times, this gives them a chance to dial in the radio direction finder on your location. If your radio quits at this point they at least have a radio reference by which to start their search. Once you have given them the location of the boat then give them the number of people on board and then the nature of your problem. If you are running a private boat with guests it is always a great idea at the begining of the voyage to explain how to read the GPS and call for help if you are incompacitated.
Capt. Debs
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