So it all started when someone sent me this -
"Over the weekend and on Monday I fished the Passaic off River Rd. in I think the Livingston/East Hanover area. On Saturday I saw a truck with a trailer parked there with these large oblong nets in the truck bed. Yesterday, I fished there again, this time truck and trailer were there but no nets. After a few casts here comes a skiff up the river. These two guys unload the nets and some large bags. I did not see what was in the bags nor did I ask..I could only think turtles. Is it legal to harvest turtles out of the Passaic? By the number of nets, this wasn't for a personal aquarium"
So I sent it to
Then I had a conservation officer call my house to talk to me personally about the note I had sent them. The C.O. was a great guy, we must have talked for a good 45 minutes about EVERYTHING !!! He said they are here for us and never hesitate to call or write. He told me from what he read it seems like it is commercial netting of snapping turtles that is legal with the proper permits. He also told me what they are getting per pound on the open market and it was almost enough for me to quit my day job, some good $$$ !! So like I always say, if you get free time write letters, let them know what you don't like, or what you do like, they listen. See some strange activity, send them a note, don't be shy.