Sunday on da' Muskie and small streams
Family obligations would not allow striper fishing today but my friend Chris said lets wake up early and finish early, and hit da' Musk.
We started at 6am up in Changewater and conditions were fast and high...were the only two people on the stream there.
Fished hard with bait and spinners but only managed 2 trout in an hour....decided to bounce west and tried the Mill, and every bridge, down to the 78 overpass....again, fished hard but everyone was drawing blanks...just managed 1 more brookie and Chris was toughing it our for da big zippo....
Said lets go hit one of our small streams where conditions might be better and sure enough, went to a honey hole closer to home and it was lock and load on both bait and gold phoebes.
The air temps hit about 80....and the smaller stream was running grey and cloudy, but much lower and manageable.
Felt lonesome out there today....streams were devoid of fishermen and I think the biomass of stocked fish should be fairly high due to these cold and wet weather conditions. Things should change fast though.....
Capt. JJ