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Old 09-05-2009, 10:09 PM
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Default Walkarounds

Question to the owners or former owners of walk around hulls. At which point does a smaller w/a not make sense? There has to be length of hull that having the walk really cuts into the functionality of the boat.In my case I would use a w/a primarily for fishing but would still like to have the opportunity to use it for "weekending" or "overnighting". I'm not interested in a galley, it seams a head comes with most of these styles. Ideally I think a 23' might make the most sense for me but that's where I begin to wonder if this is to small. And also which makes do you prefer. What does the experience of the board have to say? P.S. I hope this counts as a fishing forum since I did mention the purpose of the vessel! Thanks in advance! F.H.
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Old 09-05-2009, 10:54 PM
seaweed seaweed is offline
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Default Re: Walkarounds

I just went from a 21' wa to a 25' cc. The wa had a cuddy and a head. You could barely walk around the boat easily, and my wife and I slept in it a couple of times. She's 4'10" and slept well, I did not. The cc has a head and the more fishing room is a no brainer. It really comes down to needs and I found the cc better for me.
Hope this helps
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Old 09-05-2009, 10:55 PM
fishpro28 fishpro28 is offline
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Default Re: Walkarounds

IMO Under 27' makes no sense unless you have kids or want to get out of the weather. I have owned a 21' Trophy WA and a 24' Grady White WA and while they were great, there was no room for weekending. There are trade-offs and you need to figure out which ones you are you willing to live with.
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Old 09-05-2009, 11:01 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Walkarounds

I own a 07 Trophy Pro 1902 WA.....I love this boat...it's perfect for my needs.
I have no intention of a overnighter but the cabin is good for the kids to play and with a high windshield and full enclosure my crew and I are keep high and dry! 3 people tops are far as fishing is concerned. Now is a great time to get a leftover trophy cause they are selling them at a very discounted price. They are now made by Brunswick and the boat planes easy and ride soft and dry!

Good luck!

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Old 09-06-2009, 08:57 AM
Capt. Lou Capt. Lou is offline
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Default Re: Walkarounds

The best amenities in those smaller WA come in at 26' plus. Look at a few boats Seaswirl & Salifish very nice layouts for their size. I'm looking and have been for several months ,now my big express is sold ,these two impressed me the most for my needs which would be spending some nights comfortably on board and fast runs to the grounds. Also 29' coastal by Wellcraft ,however w/A feature on this boat very narrow,but a very decent riding hull. Nothings perfect these stood out .
I've owned a dozen boats big & small so I looked & copmared from expierance.
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Old 09-06-2009, 10:17 AM
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Default Re: Walkarounds

In general, if you are looking at ourboard boats, you are going to get a lot more fishing space on an X foot center console then you would on the same size walk around cuddy.

However, not all 25 foot boats are created equal. Many boats built today have the European Swim Platforms and Bow Pultpits molded into the hull and include them in their advertised lenghts. I've been on a few 25s that feel like 21s and 21s that feel like 25s...

Do your homework for sure..... You should consider going to the http://www.jerseyboatexpo.com/ They will have new and used boats on hand and seeing them all in the same place will help you narrow down your search.

Gerry Zagorski <><

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Old 09-06-2009, 10:58 AM
joeya78 joeya78 is offline
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Default Re: Walkarounds

I have a 23 foot hydro sport with the engine on a bracket which gives you a little more boat.I rarely use the front only when anchoring,but there is enough room to walk around it.The cabin has a v birth and small sink,but I only use it for storage of my tackle.I dont think I would go any smaller
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Old 09-06-2009, 01:03 PM
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Default Re: Walkarounds

Budget is the the key. If you've got the money there are alot of good used boats out there. Are you going to trailer or slip and storage, winter/ summer. These are questions that need to be addressed. Small cuddys are basically for storage and a porta potty up to 25' and maybe a few overnighters. A good size liveaboard for weekends depends on marina and or other location for the stay plus comfort requirements. As always "bigger is better" but it takes more $$$.
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Old 09-06-2009, 02:20 PM
ila1804 ila1804 is offline
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Default Re: Walkarounds

i have 23ft mako walkaround its 1982 i love it plenty of room can sleep 3people the front of boat has a big bench seat you can fish allaround the boat has 200horse power out board plenty of power its a tank i like the older boats .and great on gas you hafto see what your budget is remember bigger the boat more money it costs to mantain. gas boat slips etc.
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Old 09-06-2009, 02:27 PM
Lonewolf Lonewolf is offline
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Default Re: Walkarounds

I previously owned a 21 foot w/a cuddy and it was way to small for sleeping comfortably.It was difficult to walk to the bow in anything but dead calm seas. A 23 or 25 foot w/a is needed for overnighting and comfort.
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