Ocean County Federation meeting 6/19/24:
I attended the Ocean County Federated Sportsman's meeting. My first time going to Ocean County, I have been to others. Lots to talk about pertaining to fishing and hunting in New Jersey, not just Ocean County. Same observations from the other meetings NO YOUTH attended these meetings. The average age was 50+ and only 9 people attended. It's a shame because this is where many of the ideas are hatched then handed up to the State. With no youth in attendance I always feel like hunting and fishing in N.J. is a dying sport. I wish more people would take the time and try to attended just a few meetings if possible. There are Trout Unlimited meetings, Round Valley meetings, Federation meetings, environmental group meetings, heck you can even attend F&G Council meetings also if you desire. TRY to get involved. If we have less of a voice guess who starts making all the decisions, that's right some pencil pusher in Trenton that knows nothing about hunting and fishing. It's a great way to meet people and learn many things that are going on with hunting and fishing in New Jersey.