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Old 03-29-2022, 10:44 AM
Slip It In's Avatar
Slip It In Slip It In is offline
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Default Sat Phone, whos got what???

I am wondering what everyone is using for Sat phone offshore. Would like to know from people who actually have the units and plans, coverage, extra fees. I am looking to switch service provider due to never ending rate increases. I want to stick with a sat phone for safety reasons. In an event of an actual emergency, a garmin inreach will have little value to me.

I have had a globalstar phone for some time now. I have had little to no issues with service and the battery life and usb charger is great. That being said my service contact has increased around 25-30% each year. I just received another increase letter for my next billing cycle. Over the cost of fishing offshore it is a small expense however i would like to explore my options.

Thank you
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Old 03-30-2022, 08:28 AM
Flygaff Flygaff is offline
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Default Re: Sat Phone, whos got what???

I have an Iridium 9505. I've had it about ten years now. It works fine. The only thing i did was replace the battery last year. I just buy the pre paid minute plans. I used to buy 500 minutes that were valid for a year. the cost went up too high for that. Now I get a plan with 200 mins and is only valid for 90 days. I pick it up at the end of June and it last most of the season.
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Old 03-30-2022, 10:48 AM
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Capt. Debbie Capt. Debbie is offline
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Default Re: Sat Phone, whos got what???

Its funny. A friend, Tony has one on his 31' Rampage. He uses it to call his wife from the canyon.

200 or 500 minutes. That's a lot of minutes to spend on keeping the wife happy back home.

Don't know what kind of emergency will take 3 hours talk time to USCG to describe. His trips make me glad I'm divorced... don't need shore sh*t ruining my already expensive fishing trip. LMAO

Originally Posted by Flygaff View Post
I have an Iridium 9505. I've had it about ten years now. It works fine. The only thing i did was replace the battery last year. I just buy the pre paid minute plans. I used to buy 500 minutes that were valid for a year. the cost went up too high for that. Now I get a plan with 200 mins and is only valid for 90 days. I pick it up at the end of June and it last most of the season.
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