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Old 02-01-2022, 02:02 PM
shresearchdude's Avatar
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Default How about a "One fish a day" thread to pass the Feb boredom?

Hello All!

I used to post more, and fish much more often, now I'll sit back and enjoy fishing reports more than I go, more often than sitting on a beach, I just catch fish using other methods.
I usually catch when an unidentified fish gets posted, though if someone else gets it right I don't need to get involved.
I may still have status of one of the "OG's" but honestly, I think that faded a bit since I'll be non-existent for long periods.

Who am I and why do I matter, or what do I do and why does it matter?
How about if I start with the basics?

My profile from a few years ago.

Where I work.

I get the chance to go on many of the Northeast NOAA ships. Every year I go on the NOAA Research Vessel "Henry Bigelow", I have also been on the retired Albatross, on other current Northeast/Southeast ships, Gordon Gunter, Pisces, and Thomas Jefferson.
Most fish pics that I'll share are from trips over the last 20 years on the Bigelow.


"Survey cruises use a bottom trawl to sample randomly selected stations in an attempt to delineate the species composition, geographic distribution, and abundance of various resources. Fish and selected invertebrate species are identified. Weight, length, total catch numbers, age structures, maturity stages, sex determinations and food content are recorded or collected during the survey cruises. Associated oceanographic and meteorological data, salinity, conductivity, and temperature data are available for all stations. Ichthyoplankton and zooplankton data is available for a subset of the stations. Geographic coverage is from Cape Hatteras to the Gulf of Maine and from the coast to the slope water.
Purpose: The surveys are designed to provide information on the abundance, biology, and distribution of the living marine resources of the Northwest Atlantic and the environmental conditions affecting them for management purposes and to provide for broadscale ecosystems research."

I have most fish pics in alphabetical order, some may have improper labels (catch me if you can) and some labels just make more sense.

I'll start with A and end with Y since I don't think I have any Z fish.
I'll also provide a link to some sites for info about each species.

If you've got questions, I'll try to answer.

Let's see what happens!

FYI. Just as many people know me as "JR" as John. It's just a result of 4 "john's" in a 20ft Boston Whaler many years ago...
The opinions offered here are mine and not that of my employer.


Last edited by shresearchdude; 02-01-2022 at 02:06 PM..
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Old 02-01-2022, 04:25 PM
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Default Re: How about a "One fish a day" thread to pass the Feb boredom?

Welcome back. From one OG to another.
Captain Shrimpy
100 ton master captain
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Old 02-01-2022, 04:53 PM
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Default Re: How about a "One fish a day" thread to pass the Feb boredom?

Good to see you back here John. So what's the game? You're going to post fish pics with labels and we are going to guess if they are right or wrong?

Gerry Zagorski <><

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Old 02-03-2022, 10:40 AM
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Default Bottom trawl process

Rather then start with pics, lets describe the process first.

The trawl survey ranges from NC up to Canadian waters (where we fly the Canadian colors on the mast). I've been doing one or two trips a year and generally I'll do Georges Bank/Gulf of Maine leg. The legs run from 2 weeks to 21 days with weather influencing how many days we actually work. During tremendous bad weather the ship will hide or even go into a port. I've spent a few days in Northport Maine, sitting inside or outside of Cape Cod or just "jogging" in place while waiting for the worst of the wind/swells to pass. The forecast isn't always right in the ocean either.

So, the ship wanders through a random generated set of stations with various scientific samples occurring at each spot. Generally, it's water samples/classification of the water column, plankton samples, and bottom trawl at most. When we're in the deep spots it all takes longer as the gear needs to get down and back up. The ship can do about 11-15knots based on weather and when the seas get lumpy and the boat stops for a station the boat rocks a bit, though it has stability systems.

The ship gets on location, smaller gear gets set over the side and retrieved and then the trawl gets set out. After the nets on the bottom for 20 minutes it gets retrieved. All the while there's hardware on the net communicating to the ship about how the net is fishing. A good trawl isn't luck on this ship, as certain parameters must be met for it to count, as this info from the net is super important.
The net gets winched back, lifted onto the "checker" and then conveyor belts bring it into the ship for scientist to sort and work up the catch. There are times when the catch cannot be brought inside, when a checker buster or deck tow happens. More often than not when the net is that full, it's spiny dogfish. Then they cut the net open, and we take a subsample and count and toss fish back. Inside when we're done working fish up another conveyor belt send the fish dead or alive, back. Nothing goes over the side when we're within a certain distance close to shore, or if we're too close to the next station.

Three sets of scientific staff work up the samples at three stations with touch screens, magnet driven measuring boards and scales that we calibrate often. Samples are taken based on a hierarchy, and many samples are preserved or frozen for scientists that work for NOAA or other entities.
The opinions offered here are mine and not that of my employer.


Last edited by shresearchdude; 02-03-2022 at 10:49 AM..
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Old 02-03-2022, 10:46 AM
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shresearchdude shresearchdude is offline
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Default Re: How about a "One fish a day" thread to pass the Feb boredom?

Pics didn't load on my earlier post

Not sure what happened. When I uploaded the pics they were oriented correctly?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	bigelow2.jpg
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ID:	155805   Click image for larger version

Name:	backdeck before operations.jpg
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ID:	155806   Click image for larger version

Name:	backdeck night operations.jpg
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ID:	155807   Click image for larger version

Name:	bottom contour gulf of maine.jpg
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ID:	155808   Click image for larger version

Name:	bongo nets but plankto nets.jpg
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ID:	155809  

Click image for larger version

Name:	net software.jpg
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ID:	155810   Click image for larger version

Name:	haulback3.jpg
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ID:	155811   Click image for larger version

Name:	silver hake and acadian redfish.jpg
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ID:	155812   Click image for larger version

Name:	lobster workup.jpg
Views:	775
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ID:	155813   Click image for larger version

Name:	flounder and hakes.jpg
Views:	923
Size:	175.1 KB
ID:	155814  

The opinions offered here are mine and not that of my employer.


Last edited by shresearchdude; 02-03-2022 at 02:57 PM..
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Old 02-03-2022, 05:48 PM
Dawn Treader's Avatar
Dawn Treader Dawn Treader is offline
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Default Re: How about a "One fish a day" thread to pass the Feb boredom?

Whiting, redfish and some scattered winter flounder? Plus nice lobsters. Good seafood dinners? Good photos - keep ‘em coming!
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Old 02-03-2022, 07:13 PM
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Question Re: How about a "One fish a day" thread to pass the Feb boredom?

I have a ton of questions !

How can a registered United States ship change to flying a Canadian flag ?

How many miles offshore are you ?

Can you eat what you catch, it's okay, I wont rat on you if you sneak a few lobsters

The majority of the catch looks like it goes back dead ?

What was the worst seas you were ever in ?

Do you Red Over White ( fishing at night ? )
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Old 02-03-2022, 07:18 PM
Gerry Zagorski's Avatar
Gerry Zagorski Gerry Zagorski is offline
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Default Re: How about a "One fish a day" thread to pass the Feb boredom?

Cool stuff John…. Found this on the Bigelow https://noaateacheratsea.blog/tag/no...nry-b-bigelow/

Gerry Zagorski <><

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Old 02-03-2022, 09:08 PM
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Default Re: How about a "One fish a day" thread to pass the Feb boredom?

It's too bad the fish aren't donated to a food bank instead of being shoveled overboard.
Captain Rich Adler
Tuna Wahoo Charters
Riviera Beach Marina, Riviera Beach, Florida
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Old 02-04-2022, 10:38 AM
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shresearchdude shresearchdude is offline
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Default Re: How about a "One fish a day" thread to pass the Feb boredom?

How can a registered United States ship change to flying a Canadian flag ?
As per the custom of entering foreign waters there's criteria for which flag "flies" above the other. I've seen ships during Fleet Week when foreign ships change up their flags. While I haven't found the exact rules, here's something I found. " The Courtesy Flag -Flying the courtesy flag is a centuries-old tradition that is still relevant in these modern times. The act of flying a foreign nation's flag as your ship passes through or enters its waters is not only a sign of respect, it is an essential etiquette to observe. While there is no legal requirement to fly a courtesy flag, it is a polite custom to which you should adhere.

How many miles offshore are you ? I haven't calculated it. I'll attach a pic.

Can you eat what you catch, it's okay, I wont rat on you if you sneak a few lobsters.
While I don't know if it's a SOP, when we cut up highly edible species for science(which includes cutting up skulls, determining food habits, determining sex and maturity etc..) and there's time to fillet fish, we bring it into the galley to cut food costs.

The majority of the catch looks like it goes back dead ?
Some of that is determined by how deep we are fishing, how much is in the net, climate conditions etc... The catch/species gets subsampled. Some may go back through the conveyor belts before it's dead. Northern Gannets, Pilot whales, various dolphins, and who knows what else benefits from what is going back. Though it would be nice to consider freezing and allowing the dead fish to benefit someone, the storage space isn't' there and it's not part of the mission.

What was the worst seas you were ever in ?
In the worst weather the ship will seek safe harbor. During the first trip I was on the Albatross was in 15-18 and it sucked. That is the first time I realized that it's not wise to get a full cup of coffee in the galley and that ship was "famous" for its corkscrew rolls!!!!! I also learned the importance of duct tape. Not just for taping things down but to put a drink in the center of the roll. On the Albatross there were bungee cords on all the chairs.
Years ago, on the Gorden Gunter? we sat inside Cape Cod. We dragged the anchor and there was a reported gust near 90K. The ships call in weather conditions so that others will know. I remember a warship calling the ship to warn us of weather that was heading our way.
I got sick one time on a NOAA ship. It was the Albatross after a particularly soupy breakfast and rough weather. I worked through it after finding a bucket! It was one of my first trips 20+ years ago and the guy I was teamed with was an "old salt" and had tremendous patience.
Oh and when the ship is pounding into big seas, It flexes, and it's quite unnerving the first few times. We stop all work in bad weather, hide from terrible weather, and some trips start later and end before anticipated.

Do you Red Over White ( fishing at night ? )
I'm not sure. I can ask as I've made many friends in NOAA Corp (that runs the ships and hurricane hunters). NOAA Corps is one of the 8 uniformed services, though not armed. If the USCG is pulled into armed service I think NOAA Corps can be activated in some way. Though I'm not sure how.
The opinions offered here are mine and not that of my employer.


Last edited by shresearchdude; 02-04-2022 at 10:44 AM..
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