FISHERMEN/Very good all day bite!! Sundays Report
Hard to believe with all the boats running around out there today that the bite was NON-Stop all day!
Bigger fish than what we have had the past week with many over 30-32 inches. Pool fish went 36 inches.
When we drifted out of the bass the blues were ferocious once again. Sadly, the weather looks like crap for the next couple of days, especially for tomorrow (Monday). Will post tomorrow about the next sailing, not sure about Tuesday just yet.
Hoping this front doesn't end this awesome bite we have had the past 2 weeks, but as they say, all good things come to an end. If that's the case, Today was the way to go out!! Many seasons we fished till the end of December making ice and still catching Stripers, maybe this will be one of those years.....
Thank you very much Rich for that awesome 12 year Old Macallans!!
Capt. Ron