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The JCAA Blackfish tournament begins on Monday, 11/16 and runs through Sunday 11/22. You can fish any two days. We need to have a few more boats to make the tournament worthwhile. Please consider joining. Online registration is available until 11:59 PM on 11/15 and printable applications are available at www.jcaa.org. I’ll also accept phone entries if you would like to call me at 973-943-8201. Thanks, Paul Jersey Coast Anglers Association Presents its 1st Annual BLACKFISH TOURNAMENT Tournament Dates November 16th - 22nd, 2020 You choose the dates to fish but you may only fish TWO days! Prizes Based on weight of single largest blackfish 1st Place $2000 2nd Place $1000 3rd Place $750 4th Place Magictail Tog Jigs Valued at $150 5th Place Magictail Tog Jigs Valued at $100 Cash prizes based on only 60 boats and will be adjusted up or down proportionately depending on the number of boats that enter Largest sea bass – Magictail Tog Jigs Valued at $100 $$$ Various 1 and 3 fish Calcuttas $$$ ENTRY FEE $125 PER BOAT (MAXIMUM OF 6 ANGLERS PER BOAT) For additional info call Paul at 973-943-8201 For entry forms, rules and info. go to www.jcaa.org. or visit our Facebook Page Completed entry forms can be faxed to the Jersey Coast Anglers Association office: 732-506-6975 or Mailed to: Jersey Coast Anglers Association, 1594 Lakewood Rd, Suite 13, Toms River, NJ 08755 ONLINE REGISTRATION may be done at www.jcaa.org or on our FB page There will be NO Awards Ceremony this year due to the uncertainty of what Covid-19 restrictions will be in place at the time. There is NO Captains meeting either. The important thing is that we do our best to keep everyone safe. We hope to have a nice awards ceremony next year. Official Rules & Regulations: Tournament Dates: Monday, November 16th (opening day for the 5 fish limit) through Sunday, November 22nd. Each boat entered may only fish two of the seven tournament days. Each entrant must text 973-943-8201 or email anglerpmh@aol.com, give their name and date(s) they are fishing by 9 PM the nights before the days they would like to fish. In the event no message is received, their designated fishing days will be Saturday November 21st and Sunday November 22nd. In the event an entrant only designates one day, their second day will be Sunday November 22nd. Fishing Hours: Dawn until there is sufficient time to make it to the weigh-in station before they close but no later than by 7 PM on your designated fishing days. (Some weigh-in stations may close before 7 PM) Fishing Location: Fish all NJ waters or waters in the EEZ east of the New Jersey coast that are open to the public, including the ocean, bays, inlets and rivers stretching from the Raritan Bay & Hudson River in the north to Delaware Bay in the south. Weigh-ins Entrants must weigh in their fish at Bahr’s Landing Marina in Highlands, Fishermen’s Den in Belmar, Captain Bill’s Landing in Point Pleasant, Creekside Outfitters in Waretown, Fisherman’s Headquarters in Ship Bottom, Great Bay Marina in Little Egg Township, Fin-atics in Ocean City, One Stop B&T in Atlantic City or Jim’s B&T in Cape May by no later than 7 PM on their designated fishing days. Entrants should confirm that their choice of a weigh-in station will be open until that time. If not be sure to get there before they close or go to another weigh-in station. Some weigh-in stations may be closed or close early on certain days or may have restricted hours due to the weather at this time of year and the Covid-19 situation. Weights will be recorded by the weigh masters on the official tournament weigh-in sheets but entrants should make certain that they receive a receipt or take a photo of the weigh-in sheet. All fish must be weighed on the day they are caught and may not be held overnight to weigh the next day. You may weigh in as many fish as you like but only the largest 1 or 3 (for those in the 3 fish Calcutta) will be scored regardless of which of the designated days they were caught on. You do not have to catch your largest 3 on one day. GENERAL RULES AND PROVISIONS: • The tournament will be held rain or shine on November 16th through November 22nd. It is the sole responsibility of the entrant/captain of all entered boats to determine if weather and sea conditions are safe to fish. The Jersey Coast Anglers Association, its administrators, officers, directors, agents, committee members, sponsors and/or any and all other persons assume no responsibility or liability for any boats entered or individuals participating in the tournament. • If weather conditions prohibit any or all boats from fishing and, as a result, an insufficient number of fish are weighed in to account for any of the prizes including Calcuttas, drawings will be held. • It is the responsibility of all entrants and contestants to comply with all state, federal, and International Game Fish Association (“IGFA”) international angling rules, including any applicable state registry requirements. • Each boat may have up to 6 anglers or other individuals onboard and no more than 6 lines may be in the water at one time. • Each entrant may only win one prize in each category (blackfish/sea bass)) but may win multiple Calcuttas. • All fish presented to the weigh master will be recorded in pounds and hundredths of pounds. The time the fish are presented for weigh-in will be recorded in hours and minutes. • If two fish tie by weight, the first fish weighed in will hold the position on the leader board. If two fish are the same weight and weighed at the same time prizes will be split. • Jersey Coast Anglers Association reserves the right to require a polygraph examination within 60 days, at Jersey Coast Anglers Association's expense, of any captain/entrant or crew member to preserve the integrity of the tournament. Failing the test or refusing to take the test will result in disqualification. • Names and likenesses of all prize winners may be used by Jersey Coast Anglers Association and Jersey Coast Anglers Association’s designee(s) for promotional purposes without further compensation to Jersey Coast Anglers Association or the individual prize winners. • Any and all appeals must be made in writing and submitted to Jersey Coast Anglers Association no later than immediately after the results are announced on our FB page. Appeals must be accompanied by $25 processing fee. If the appeal is granted, the money will be refunded. All decisions made by Jersey Coast Anglers Association will be deemed final. • Calcuttas: For the Calcuttas you are competing against everyone in the tournament as there are not separate Calcuttas for each weigh-in station. Jersey Coast Anglers Association will pay out 7/8 of the money collected to the winner of each Calcutta. • All prize money including money from Calcuttas will be given via check to the registered entrant. 1st Annual Jersey Coast Anglers Association Blackfish Tournament Fishing Dates: November 16th -November 22nd, 2020 You may only fish on two of the dates but you get to choose which ones. You must text your name to 973-943-8201 or email anglerpmh@aol.com by 9PM the nights before the days you intend to fish. About Jersey Coast Anglers Association and our Blackfish Tournament This has been a tough year for Jersey Coast Anglers Association as it has been for most people as well as other businesses and organizations. Jersey Coast Anglers Association had most of its major fundraising events cancelled. The Saltwater Fishing Expo was canceled and that is where we normally sell many of our high roller raffle tickets. Our Beefsteak Dinner and Sportsperson of the Year Dinner were cancelled. Most of our member clubs did not contribute as much as they normally do because their financial situation was also hurting. However, our biggest loss was having to cancel our traditional fluke tournament which was initially scheduled in May and then postponed to November before being canceled all together. That is a shame because we had a room reserved for a huge awards ceremony in Resorts Casino in Atlantic City. Hopefully, we will be able to hold our traditional fluke tournament next year and have our awards ceremony in AC. We picked up a little bit of the slack by holding our Heavy Hitters Fluke Tournament and now we are hoping that our blackfish tournament will give us a little shot in the arm. We are going to run our Blackfish Tournament for a full week. We realize that not everyone can fish everyday so to be fair to everyone, each boat will be limited to fishing on only two of the days. However, each entrant will be able to choose the days they fish. The weather can be bad at this time of the year so we are hopeful that there will be at least a couple nice weather days during our tournament. Therefore, we will be holding our blackfish tournament from Monday, November 16th (the first day of the 5 fish limit) through Sunday, November 22nd. Prizes will be based on the single largest fish but we will also have 1 fish and 3 fish Calcuttas for blackfish. Additionally, we will have one prize for the largest sea bass and a couple sea bass Calcuttas. Jersey Coast Anglers Association has fought hard for recreational anglers and the marine resource in the past and will continue to do so in in the future. In order to continue our work on these issues and better represent you, we need your help in our fundraising efforts. We are currently giving input on the upcoming bluefish amendment as well as the upcoming fluke, sea bass and scup amendment. There may be a new striped bass amendment coming up too. We are working to protect our stocks of menhaden and other forage species. We are heavily involved and had quite a bit of success with access issues this year despite the covid-19 restrictions. We always work to have sustainable fisheries but it is a constant fight to seek fair regulations for the anglers of our state. We have attended many meetings, participated in conference calls, written letters, made phone calls and met with various key individuals about these issues and more. We are fighting to stop the mining of our offshore lumps to prevent the destruction of vital marine habitat. We are seeking ways to provide much needed funding to the NJ Marine Fisheries Bureau. We are also pushing hard for improved science so that our fisheries can be better managed. We need your help in ensuring the success of these important issues. We also have a youth education program and events where we take handicapped kids and disabled veterans fishing. We are one of the very few recreational salt water advocacy groups that work exclusively for New Jersey anglers. As in past years, our fundraising efforts have a strong influence on our budget and what we can accomplish throughout the year. It costs money to send delegates to meetings, to meet with legislators, print newsletters, pay office expenses and fund day-to-day operations. We appreciate your anticipated support! For further details go to www.jcaa.com or visit our Facebook page Tournament standings will be updated on our FB page during and after the conclusion of the tournament 2020 Jersey Coast Anglers Association Blackfish Tournament Application Boat Name __________________________________________________ ________________ Entrant’s/Captain’s Name ____________________Email Address_______________________ Address: __________________________________________________ __________________ City: _______________________________ State: _________ Zip: _____________________ Phone: _____ - _____ - __________ Name of Fishing Club (if any): ____________________ Check Applicable Tournament options: □ Tournament Entry Fee $125 for up to 6 anglers Those who enter our blackfish tournament may also enter the optional Calcuttas. You may enter any or all of the Calcuttas if you wish. You may win whichever Calcuttas you are entered in with the same fish. Jersey Coast Anglers Association will pay out 7/8 of the money collected to the winner of each Calcutta. _____ $50 Single Blackfish Calcutta (total weight of your single largest blackfish) _____ $100 Single Blackfish Calcutta (total weight of your single largest blackfish) _____ $50 Three Blackfish Calcutta (total weight of your three largest blackfish _____ $100 Three Blackfish Calcutta (total weight of your three largest blackfish) _____ $100 Sea Bass Calcutta (total weight of your single largest sea bass) _____ $50 Sea Bass Calcutta (total weight of your single largest sea bass) _____ Become a Jersey Coast Anglers Association Associate Member and receive our monthly newsletter by adding $25.00 Total Payment __________________ The tournament will be held rain or shine from November 16th through November 22nd. Remember, you can only fish two days and you must text 973-943-8201 or email anglerpmh@aol.com by 9 PM the nights before the days you intend to fish. It is the decision of the captain/registrant to evaluate weather conditions and decide whether or not to participate. Complete tournament rules, weigh-in locations are posted on our website at www.jcaa.org and on our FB page. Complete this form and mail it with a check payable to Jersey Coast Anglers Association or use your credit card by providing the additional information below and mail or fax to: Jersey Coast Anglers Association Blackfish Tournament, 1594 Lakewood Rd., Suite 13, Toms River, NJ 08755 Phone 732-506-6565 Fax 732-506-6975 To pay by credit card include the following : Master Card___Visa___Discover___AmEx___ Card Number ______- ______ - ______ - ______ Exp. Date _____/_____ Security Code_______________ Zip Code _______________________________________ Name on Card ______________________________ Signature _____________________________________ General Release The tournament will be held rain or shine. It is the sole responsibility of the registrant/captain of all entered boats to determine if weather and sea conditions are safe to fish. Participants expressly and unconditionally agree as a condition to the acceptance of their application that Jersey Coast Anglers Association and its administrators, agents, officers, directors, committee members and tournament sponsors are not liable for any claims, suits or obligations arising out of or resulting from participation in this event as a result of negligent or intentional conduct by Jersey Coast Anglers Association and its administrators, agents, officers, directors, committee members and tournament sponsors. Participant agrees to indemnify and hold Jersey Coast Anglers Association and its administrators, agents, officers, directors, committee members and tournament sponsors harmless for any and all claims and costs, including attorney fees, arising out of his or her conduct resulting from participation in the tournament. I understand that in conjunction with engaging in the Jersey Coast Anglers Association Tournament, I could experience certain hazards and become involved in certain risks. I further recognize that it would be impractical as well as unfair for the Jersey Coast Anglers Association and its administrators, agents, officers, directors, committee members and tournament sponsors and/or any and all other persons or boat owners and their crew directly or indirectly involved in or connected with the Tournament to be liable or responsible in any way for my safety. I hereby release, hold harmless and forever discharge the Tournament, Jersey Coast Anglers Association and its administrators, agents, officers, directors, committee members and tournament sponsors from any liability and/or libel, slander, loss, damage, harm, injury or death suffered by me or which may occur during the Tournament. I understand this includes any claims based upon any negligent act or omission. I understand that I enter the Tournament at my own risk and hereby assume all risks which may be involved in participating in the Tournament, particularly hazards due to weather conditions, and I fully understand that at any time during my participation I may elect not to participate when I think weather or any other hazards are too extreme. I, by entering this Tournament, do hereby agree to the terms and conditions of this General Release and agree to abide by the rules and regulations prescribed for competition in the Jersey Coast Anglers Association 2020 Blackfish Tournament. Registrant’s/Captain’s signature: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Please read the rules regarding the fishing event and the dispersal of prizes available on our web site at: www.jcaa.org Cash Prizes are awarded to the registrant. It is his or her responsibility to allocate the prizes to the anglers on their crew if they so desire. Some prizes may not be. appropriate for minors. Proper ID will be required for IRS 1099-MISC for prizes exceeding $600.00 |
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