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Old 08-04-2019, 12:16 PM
LetsGoFishing LetsGoFishing is offline
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Angry I have to ge this off my chest

Yesterday I went out on one of the Atlantic Highlands boat . I witnessed not once but twice one of the fisherman cut and fillet a small , possibly 12 inch fluke to make bait strips out if it . This guy is a Regular and everyone knew him and the captain knew him very well . I know they get special treatment but breaking the rules that everyone else has to follow and are set in place because of guys like this really irritate me .

C'mon, if you can't fish and jig like the rest of us , then don't resort to breaking the rules to try and one up everyone .. The only saving grace was he had not one Keeper despite his efforts.
I will not mention his name or the captain's name but show some respect Capt and tell this guy to follow the rules .
Old 08-04-2019, 12:54 PM
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Default Re: I have to ge this off my chest

I was on a charter in Belmar with a very well known Capt. And he himself cut up short fluke to make strips
Old 08-04-2019, 01:36 PM
catsmeow catsmeow is offline
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Default Re: I have to ge this off my chest

Would be nice to have an undercover co officer on board to dole out some fines
Old 08-04-2019, 02:03 PM
Fishin Dude Fishin Dude is offline
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Default Re: I have to ge this off my chest


If it bothers you that much.
Old 08-04-2019, 02:27 PM
RC. RC. is offline
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Default Re: I have to ge this off my chest

I have to be honest, and I realize this will be an unpopular opinion, but I could not care less if someone cuts one for some fluke belly. Hopefully it would be one that was gut hooked or otherwise not in good condition to release.

Just curious, did either of you guys that witnessed this say anything to the captains, mates or the guy cutting it up?
Old 08-04-2019, 02:56 PM
LetsGoFishing LetsGoFishing is offline
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Default Re: I have to ge this off my chest

I'm not looking to rat him out or else I would say his name and the captain's name and the boats name..

I simply shot him a dirty look and spoke to the guy next to me and tell him how it sucks some guys have to be scumbags and not follow rules .I know he heard me ...

Point is like the previous person commented , people are watching and eventually someone will indeed report you . Is it worth it ? That remains to be said .
Oh and btw both mates and the captain were buddy buddy with this guy hugging and high fiving .I already know the levels of allowable shit someone can get away with just by seeing these actions ...its just sad ...

I tell you what , I'm sure the Captain and this guy know I'm talking about them .
Old 08-04-2019, 04:01 PM
catsmeow catsmeow is offline
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Default Re: I have to ge this off my chest

In responce to rc's comment, why don't we just have anarchy and let everyone do as they please and see how that work out.
Old 08-04-2019, 04:07 PM
Capt Sal Capt Sal is offline
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Default Re: I have to ge this off my chest

Originally Posted by LetsGoFishing View Post
Yesterday I went out on one of the Atlantic Highlands boat . I witnessed not once but twice one of the fisherman cut and fillet a small , possibly 12 inch fluke to make bait strips out if it . This guy is a Regular and everyone knew him and the captain knew him very well . I know they get special treatment but breaking the rules that everyone else has to follow and are set in place because of guys like this really irritate me .

C'mon, if you can't fish and jig like the rest of us , then don't resort to breaking the rules to try and one up everyone .. The only saving grace was he had not one Keeper despite his efforts.
I will not mention his name or the captain's name but show some respect Capt and tell this guy to follow the rules .
Nothing compared to bycatch of draggers.
Capt Sal

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Old 08-04-2019, 04:40 PM
rwp2101 rwp2101 is offline
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Default Re: I have to ge this off my chest

I’m a real rules follower, but I have to agree with Capt Sal on this one. Every last bit of ire you have should really be directed towards the commercials. It’s pretty much a zero sum game and it’s them vs everyone else that likes to catch fish. One day the boat and tackle manufacturers will realize this. It might be too late at that point. Until then, support the RFA.
Old 08-04-2019, 04:54 PM
Honger Honger is offline
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Default Re: I have to ge this off my chest

You can jig. You must be cool

Good for you.
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