All i can say is the past few weeks have been the best fluke fishing i've experienced in the past 8-9 years...i mean we had our boat limit by 11:30 and it was just so much fun we had to keep fishing and ended up releasing 11 more keeper sized fish!
sometimes there's an afternoon bite or a morning bite with slow action otherwise but if you stay out there all day, in the right spots, you will get into them! 2 fish seabass limits all around too.
three way rigs seemed to get average of bigger fish this time than the high teaser rig that had been dominating. pink, green, nuclear chicken and yellow all worked at any given time. 3-5oz was plenty most of the day.
also, pretty glad i'm making all these bucktails myself or we'd probably be like $200 in the hole replacing the lost ones haha
here's two days worth of pictures, john with an 8 and 7 pounder in two drifts, arty with a big flattie, etc....epic fishing...