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Old 02-08-2013, 12:00 AM
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Default Re: My Passaic River Greeting and Thank You

Originally Posted by PGAProfishional
I'll repay you gents as often as I can with reports!

One thing I didn't mention. After my first trip on the Passaic "Little Falls", I did a bit of research, "Google Maps" and conjured up with a few more areas that I could enter on foot. "Where there's a will, there's a way"

By the way, Have you, or anyone else seen the under water structure on the south side of the Route 4 Bridge. It looks like an old train-trestle or a crane that submerged. I found it while on my Kayak's maiden voyage. I hooked up to a Smallmouth that wasn't very big using a weedless wacky rigged 4'' Pumpkin Senko. I just couldn't believe I didn't get snagged, over 10 casts into the structure.

Just make me wonder what other kind of goodies are submerged!!

Ive only been up that far once, up to the fish weir, and dont think I spotted it. Very cool though. Last summer, a buddy and I found 3 submerged cars in Pompton River, so nothing about either river would surprise me at this point lol.

16' MirroCraft V-Hull
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Old 02-08-2013, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: My Passaic River Greeting and Thank You

How's the fishing where the two rivers meet? Never really had an opportunity to fish that area... I've bee salivating at Google maps looking at it, though.
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Old 02-08-2013, 11:55 AM
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Default Re: My Passaic River Greeting and Thank You


Are you speaking about 2 bridges road? Where the Pompton and Passaic Rivers meet?

If so, (I may be wrong about this opinion) the immediate area receives a good amount of fishing pressure.

There's an area to park, just off of 2 bridges road, and you're able to launch a kayak or canoe with no problem. There's also a grass path that you can access by car/truck to possibly launch a jon boat. Check the area out before you take my word for it. It may be a tight squeeze to find a boat launching area. Oh yeah, remember to park you truck in the lot after you launch.

I've hooked up to a small pike only to loose him about 5 feet from the shore. He was flippin out! A month or 2 later in early fall, I caught a decent perch. Like my buddy Skunk says, there are fish all over the river.

In my humble opinion I noticed that certain areas produce more of a catch than others. I'm always looking for that secluded honey hole!

Inhabitance in a area must be due to a couple factors, water clarity, structure, depth of the river, oxygenation, and of course a rich supply of food.

I'm always researching. Many others on this site really seem to have the Passaic down pat. The only things I can attribute that to is research, trial and error, and fishing talent.

Check it out though, you may be surprised!

Best of luck Brotha!
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Last edited by PGAProfishional; 02-08-2013 at 09:01 PM..
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Old 02-08-2013, 12:28 PM
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Default Re: My Passaic River Greeting and Thank You

Yea, that's the area I'm referencing. I've fished a few other areas with very good results so I haven't really ventured out much to explore additional stretches of river. The areas I hit are way upstream on the two bridges area. Just looking to diversify!

Last edited by Jigman13; 02-08-2013 at 04:05 PM..
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Old 02-08-2013, 12:59 PM
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Default Re: My Passaic River Greeting and Thank You

Originally Posted by Jigman13
Yea, that's the area I'm referencing. I've fished a few other areas with very good results so I haven't really ventured out much to explore additional stretches of river. They areas I hit are way upstream on the two bridges area. Just looking to diversify!
Right where the rivers meet is shallow and rocky, not really fishable due to the current. If you plan on kayaking through there, have a planned takeout spot downstream because its a b*tch paddling back up that spot. It's doable, just be prepared to get wedged onto big boulders and to paddle your butt off until you get passed the juction. I've landed fish upstream and downstream of that junction on both rivers with success. It does get hammered though.

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Old 02-08-2013, 02:29 PM
msgdan msgdan is offline
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Default Re: My Passaic River Greeting and Thank You

Welcome to this great site and welcome to the Passaic !!! I am sure that I can show you a few spots that could produce a pike or two, but paddling your kayak with a blindfold on may be hard at first, but you will get the hang of it pretty quick !!! LOL

Now if you can get rid of my hook with my driver...........I may let you take off the blinfold to a few spots! LOL

See you in the spring on the water !

Danny V
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Old 02-08-2013, 03:05 PM
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Default Re: My Passaic River Greeting and Thank You

Originally Posted by msgdan
Welcome to this great site and welcome to the Passaic !!! I am sure that I can show you a few spots that could produce a pike or two, but paddling your kayak with a blindfold on may be hard at first, but you will get the hang of it pretty quick !!! LOL

Now if you can get rid of my hook with my driver...........I may let you take off the blindfold to a few spots! LOL

See you in the spring on the water !

Danny V
Thanks Dan! I'd fish with you anytime brotha! As far as the blindfold goes, that's a little kinky, we just met, but I'll trust ya!! LOL!

Trust me you won't be Capt. Hook much longer! We'll straighten that out too.

Hope to see you out there soon. I'll be out on PR as soon as this Nor'Easter is over with.
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Old 02-08-2013, 03:28 PM
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Default Re: My Passaic River Greeting and Thank You

Originally Posted by PGAProfishional
Thanks Dan! I'd fish with you anytime brotha! As far as the blindfold goes, that's a little kinky, we just met, but I'll trust ya!! LOL!

Trust me you won't be Capt. Hook much longer! We'll straighten that out too.

Hope to see you out there soon. I'll be out on PR as soon as this Nor'Easter is over with.

LOL! 5 posts in and I like this guy already .

16' MirroCraft V-Hull
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Old 02-08-2013, 06:03 PM
Bassload Bassload is offline
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Default Re: My Passaic River Greeting and Thank You

Welcome to the best fish website for NJ. Been on here almost a year. Thanks to this website I now have Pike fever. Luckily the Passiac River is a good cure. I like Fasteddie idea for a kayak meet n greet. Keep us posted.
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Old 02-08-2013, 06:07 PM
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Default Re: My Passaic River Greeting and Thank You

Sh*t... Looks like I'm going to need a kayak! Lol...
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