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Old 01-22-2025, 07:17 PM
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Default Re: Releasing fish with Baratrauma

Originally Posted by Broad Bill View Post
Gerry thanks for your reply. I'll be the first to admit I post with conviction and I don't sugarcoat my comments. I've spent 7-8 years and thousands of hours researching and communicating with state and federal agencies including ASMFC and MAFMC. I went through all the proper channels and in the end got ZERO support from RFA, SSFFF, JCAA and the ASA when politics was brought into it. Everyone has their own agendas and nothing will change with fisheries management because collectively we're focused on the wrong issues and no one has any balls to challenge NMFS.

I actually made more progress with leadership and recreational fishing groups in New York than our own state including New York state representatives until my work was intercepted and sabotaged by a sponsor from this site who if he reads this knows who I'm referring to. Read the attached article on page 15 submitted in 2019 from the New York Recreational and For-Hire Fishing Alliance by a good friend Steve Cannizzo signed by other NY FV operators. I wish I experienced the same support from my own state's fishing organizations.


Also read the full analysis submitted to the Commission and the Council regarding the status of the stock.


The sponsor I’m referring to called one of my contacts, intercepted a piece I was working on for a State Representative and ripped him a new ******* for supporting my work. For the record, it wasn't Capt. Ron who has done more than his share fighting for our collective recreational rights. A sponsor whose livelihood depends on sustainable fisheries goes behind my back and sabotages my work. The same person who asked me to prepare multiple power point presentations, write memorandums and research reports and attend an NMFS function which was later cancelled for political reasons trashes my work behind my back because it didn't support his personal or club’s agenda. Precisely why the recreational sector will never organize and eventually small businesses and party and charter boat operator’s dependent on these resources will fade into obscurity because everyone has their own motivations, none of which include the ultimate health of these stocks.

So when I post comments I write them with passion and conviction. If it offends anyone, lose the thin skin because if we collectively don’t start bringing heat there won’t be any fisheries left for future generations. Gerry, you’ve mentioned a number of times you want your grandchild / grandchildren to enjoy the fishery as we have and the generations before us. If we continue kicking the can down the street and don’t start addressing the issues corrupting fisheries management, you’d be better served having your grandkids take up golf or tennis as these fisheries one by one will disappear. I’d be less concerned with my approach and tone and more concerned with the content of my posts.

Its why I commented about a certain individual a few weeks ago. He’s part of a flawed process that’s delivered brutal results under his watch. Name one thing he’s done for the striper or fluke stocks that’s positive to the recreational sector or the fishery itself. I’ll be the first to applaud talent, positive performance and results but it needs to be earned. I don’t see any of those attributes in this individual, just my opinion supported by drastic reductions in each of these two fisheries.

For 5 or more years I’ve predicted a collapse in this fishery due to the way it’s being managed. I believe a 42% decrease in assignable quota for ’24 and ’25 represents the beginning of that collapse and it will continue for the same reasons I’ve stated. Not one person or state or federal agency has said my analysis or conclusions are wrong, they simply refuse to admit their decisions over the past two decades have been.

I’ve tried to educate members on this site for everyone’s benefit but clearly few want to hear it so I’ll refrain from further comments. Just remember when seasons get closed and possession limits go to one, remember each of you had a choice and your choice was status quo and to accept the crumbs the recreational sector has been given every year. We’re actually at a point where crumbs would be an improvement based on the regulations being forced on us.

If we ever get to a point where a decision is made and funding secured to sue the federal government for violations of MSA, I'd be happy to assist in that litigation. Until then, I'm simply wasting my time and the site's time as most here could really give a shit about the future and are only concerned about today which in my opinion is what NMFS wants and is assuredly a formula for failure.
Thanks for that Tom and did not mean to discourage you from staying involved here and in other places fighting for what you invested a lot of time and effort in. We need passion and critical thinking.. I just wanted to point out that passion cuts both ways but where I and others draw a line is when it gets personal..

Gerry Zagorski <><

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Old 01-24-2025, 11:06 AM
tautog tautog is offline
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Default Re: Releasing fish with Baratrauma

Originally Posted by bulletbob View Post
very good , thanks for the explanation.. I do know that when we crank up a deep water laker, they always seem very "gassy"- you see lots of bubbles coming out of them as they come to the surface..
I know crappies caught over 30 feet get barotrauma as well. I see it with the ice fishing guys who target them in deep basins in the winter.
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Old 01-25-2025, 01:31 PM
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Default Re: Releasing fish with Baratrauma

I thought I would show you what we use down here, there are pressure sensitive release clips available, but I like this set up better. The weight is a section of stainless steel prop shaft, available from any boat yard that does repairs. You stick the point in the fish mouth and out the gill cover. When you yank up on the rod the swivel shifts, the point is now down and the fish slides off. This makes it easier for the fish to swim away or for sharks to eat it ! These are mandatory I believe on the Gulf side of Florida, and recommended on the Atlantic side.
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Captain Rich Adler
Tuna Wahoo Charters
Riviera Beach Marina, Riviera Beach, Florida
(609) 870- 4592
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Old 01-25-2025, 04:30 PM
Broad Bill Broad Bill is offline
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Default Re: Releasing fish with Baratrauma

Capt. Rich, very cool, I assume that's custom made? How much does the weight weigh and what depths do you typically use it in or does it depend on the species being fished for? If anglers tried, millions of fish a year would be spared. No need for regulatory mandates unless anglers aren't proactive and start using these devices voluntarily. There's no downside, almost no cost and nothing but benefits. Thanks so much for sharing.

Quick story about 15 years ago. My son hooked off Asbury Park on our last drift (fluke tournament) a black drum that probably went every bit of 80 - 100 lbs. We were only in about 50 - 60 feet of water. Fish wouldn't go down, had the bends which at the time I didn't think was possible in such shallow depths. We tried releasing her for at least a half hour without success, she floated upside down every time and gulls started moving in. as a last ditch effort, we took a fillet knife and pierced a pin prick under her large scale about 4 inches behind her pectoral fin. You could hear the air being released instantly. Swam her for a minute and off she went in a blink.

These things work and should be on board every boat as they cost almost nothing and will help save many different species of fish.

Last edited by Broad Bill; 01-25-2025 at 04:52 PM..
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Old 01-27-2025, 03:54 PM
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Captain Rich Captain Rich is offline
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Default Re: Releasing fish with Baratrauma

The weight weighs a couple of pounds, I welded a ring to the top for easy attachment.
The pin and swivels came from Return'em Right, they also supply a pressure activated release clip.
SeaQualizer is another company that makes a pressure activated release clip.

I keep it rigged on a short junk rod next to my helm chair (express model) so I can grab it any time I think we need it. Anything over 60' its possible they are going to gas up, especially the small mutton snappers. It seems some species are more prone to it than others, I guess it's anatomical variety. I hate seeing throwbacks drift away on the surface.
Captain Rich Adler
Tuna Wahoo Charters
Riviera Beach Marina, Riviera Beach, Florida
(609) 870- 4592
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