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Old 07-31-2020, 08:05 AM
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Default Re: My ongoing battle with COVID-19

Jigman thanks for posting this. I wish you a fast and full recovery, and glad your son is ok. This virus is scary and sharing your experience can help calm others by helping them to know what to expect if contracted. Yes it’s here and yes it’s not going away. Everyone be careful and don’t let your guard down.
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Old 07-31-2020, 05:15 PM
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Default Re: My ongoing battle with COVID-19

If trump took this seriously in December when europe warned the US, or in January when the first case was documented, would we be having this conversation? Would I have gotten sick?

The CDC and WHO said masks should NOT be worn UNLESS you are sick or a healthcare worker. It wasn't until April/May they said "hmmm maybe we should tell people to wear masks". Restricting air travel to the US from anywhere would have only slowed it down, not stopped it. First wave is on the CDC and its testing unpreparedness and hospitals with not enough ICU rooms. The second wave is on Governors being reckless and young people. You don't get this virus from Amazon packages or a Wendys drive-thru or Wal-Mart. This is a mask off, talking, sitting and/or eating in close proximity spread. Its really not that hard to explain. If you don't go anywhere in public without a mask, I would say its 99% chance you don't get it. Kids don't follow directions so they are often the wildcard here. You think your safe at home, masks off an all eating at the dinner table but you didn't know is that an hour ago, little Bryan was over his friends house playing XBox with no masks. That's where it starts and for some of us, thats where it ends.
If these heroes - aka criminals - just followed directions and didn’t resist or have an atttude, they’d be alive today.
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Old 07-31-2020, 09:39 PM
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Default Re: My ongoing battle with COVID-19

Wishing you and the family a speedy recovery.
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Old 08-01-2020, 05:53 PM
CMA719 CMA719 is offline
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Default Re: My ongoing battle with COVID-19

Terrifying stuff Jigman. I hope that you recover quickly and fully.
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Old 08-05-2020, 12:33 PM
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Default Re: My ongoing battle with COVID-19


Today is day 10 since my positive test; 12 days since onset of symptoms. I'm mostly recovered outside of a lingering cough, mild congestion and fatigue. The fatigue is the hardest part in the AM. I walk the back yard with my coffee in the AM before the heat hits to kick start my body. It doesn't work physically but gives me a mental boost. Usually by 11/1130 I start getting to my normal pace.

My kids are all fine aside from the random sneeze and cough. I compare their remaining symptoms to the residual effects from a school-caught cold. The quarantine likely isn't helping their frames of mind lol.

The Mrs has been good, too. She is, however, experiencing more severe bouts of fatigue than I am but she's a much more "low energy" person than I am. Shes the turtle. I'm the ferret on meth lol.

My dr said 10 days quarantine since my positive test if NO symptoms. I'm not sure if they mean none whatsoever, or if my fatigue and lingering dry cough would be considered a symptom. I need clarification on that and will go to get tested again by friday for peace of mind.

I've been trying to avoid the news since I began my recovery but it's so intrusive these days its hard to ignore it completely. I'm seeing spikes nationwide while many other countries seem to have a handle on things. That saddens me. I see arguing on this site which is virus- and politically-driven. This saddens me, too.

Weve theoretically separated church and state. This same theory or idea should apply to matters of national health safety and state. Politicians are politicians. They need not interject or add their opinions to medical information. Stop trying to mold information. Listen to the experts--the medical experts. They are doctors for a reason. They are scientists and research professionals for a reason. You don't go to school for 12 to 15 yrs of advanced education to get a medical degree in politics.

For masks? Great. Against them? Fine. Just wear them. Not for you and your health, but for the others around you. Many of you on this site are older than me. I'm only 37. Many of you smoke, or drink. Some of you may be overweight. Some may have high blood pressure. Some may be diabetic. Some are on their way to COPD or have undergone cancer treatment in the past, or present. Some may have a litany of other various health issues that you know of or have no idea of yet. Many of you have family with the aforementioned afflictions.

Imagine, because YOU didnt wear a mask, went out, picked up the virus, were asymptomatic and exposed someone in your family to covid-19 and it killed them. What's your thought on that mask now?

Health experts arent confiscating your property. Theyre not taking your money. They're not asking for your first born. They're merely asking for you to play a small role in your community by wearing a mask--for a little while longer--to stop the spread and keep everyone healthy.

It's not politics guys. Stop making it political. It's a matter of health and common sense. It's obvious many lack it judging by the rampant misinformation posted around here lately re: covid-19. But jesus christ, just wear a mask, wash your hands and be cognizant of social distancing where applicable. The virus isnt a joke. It messed me up pretty good.
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Old 08-05-2020, 01:03 PM
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Default Re: My ongoing battle with COVID-19

Originally Posted by Jigman13 View Post
It's not politics guys. Stop making it political. It's a matter of health and common sense. It's obvious many lack it judging by the rampant misinformation posted around here lately re: covid-19. But jesus christ, just wear a mask, wash your hands and be cognizant of social distancing where applicable. The virus isnt a joke. It messed me up pretty good.
THIS^ If everyone had just done what they needed to at the start, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Glad to hear you guys are feeling better and hope your recovery continues! Fall fishing is coming, we need some Jigman reports!
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Old 08-05-2020, 05:28 PM
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Default Re: My ongoing battle with COVID-19

Alright alright, enough with the covid stuff. Let me see a 29" Walleye now lol. Glad you guys progressed and did not get worse!

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Old 08-05-2020, 10:12 PM
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Default Re: My ongoing battle with COVID-19

Im thankful you're recovering, Jigman, and that the family is doing well. Thanks for the update. I dont let the news or the loud troublemakers grow on me, im very happy that the majority of people, at least around me, are doing there part. I hope you get better and stay worry-free.
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