Originally Posted by Billfish715
Many of the SE Pennsylvania streams have already been stocked. The big change in the stocking according to the news release is that the preseason stocking will be the only stocking for the season. The entire season's allocated trout for the lakes and streams will be stocked at one time. How, I don't know. They are taking precautions to insure there will be a trout season in Pa. If you think the NJ opener is a big deal, you haven't been to a Pennsylvania opener.
I hope our Division will not follow the Keystone State's lead. Let's hope we still have weekly stockings and not just one mass release.
Thanks for posting the link Bill. According to the article the PF&BC staff will be working 7 days a week to achieve their goal. Likewise I see they are taking the same precaution with their personnel as the NJDEP commish has mandated for us, that is, no volunteers on the stockings. Personally I think that's going a bit overboard but it is what it is unfortunately. At least here in NJ the fish will have an extra week to disperse from the stocking points prior to the opener. Lets hope for enough precip to help them along!