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Old 05-09-2017, 10:05 PM
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NJFishing.com Old Salt
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Denville
Posts: 1,567
Default Re: Well this is good

that's a pretty good stretch, i usually fish upstream of the bridge to where it bends and heads away from pocono rd. haven't really caught stockers outside of that area though. it gets real shallow much upstream of there and downstream from the hospital is unfortunately the rockaway river country club (posted private property, no fishing allowed that stretch) but they swim so who knows.

Originally Posted by dfish28 View Post
If I was just thrown off a bridge a few hours before, I would chill with my other homies in the same area for a while, just asking WTF!, at least for a while In slow water before I moved Out to deeper.
you'd think that, but it's not really the case from what i've seen, the fish are hungry and unless they get bonked on the head they're going to be ready to eat within a few minutes.

up in VT there is no in season closures for stocking and i've happened to be in the river when the stocking truck pulled up a few times (they stock mid day). helped to stock the trout, said thanks and waved goodbye to the stocking crew, then enjoyed bonanza trouting C&R cast after cast for a couple hours. no waiting periods required.
I fishing
I New Jersey
I the USA
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