Re: Green Turtle Pond?
Trout is pretty easy when they stock and occasionally you can get a hold over into the winter months and summer months(very rare in the summer). The road does suck but getting somewhere easy is never fun. That being said, I hate fishing bottom but 45 degree angles from the boat launch about 30 yards out you can drop some bottom and let the kids whack a few. Catfish can get exceptionally big for a small pond. I get one here and there going 7-8 lbs, but my son landed an 11 pounder this fall. Cats are mostly channel cats. Bass and pickerel do well since it's a shallow warmer lake but it does have a few cold water springs. I previously stated where 2 of them are. There are 3 others and the only thing I'll say on them is that you really have to get in a canoe or boat and "fall" in and feel the water about 4 feet down. If it's ice cold in the summer, you found one.