Re: "Cranford West" - Silver Lake in Hope NJ
Eddie accept for various times at various schools I have lived in Cranford since 1970. I can say growing up I fished the mighty Rahway or local ponds nearly every day from March through November. Caught yellow and white perch, even small stripers in Rahway; caught tiger musky (8" but a tiger musky for sure) and pickerel. Of course lots of LMB, crappie, carp, catfish, suckers and eels
Never caught a SMB in there
It is totally silted up especially in Cranford but help us on the way as they will be doing dredging over the next two years in Cranford and Springfield. After it would great to get some pike stocked to control the carp and sucker populations
From the dam by Gray's down to the parkway, SMB would thrive
Also, hopefully some day they will introduce some more species into Clark Res, Union Counties biggest body of water