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Old 04-24-2015, 10:45 AM
thyer thyer is offline
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Default Re: Split Rock is up

Andy I mentioned the kill in my post above. Lot's of information flying around this board and it's easy to miss. Mostly sunfish but LMB were belly up as well.

Another topic I was going to avoid was the amount of litter, cans and bottles all over the place. I picked what I could but once I saw sharp broken glass I had to stop because it would go right through my water shoes and dry pants let alone my foot. I will never understand the mentality it takes to do this. We're not talking about a wrapper that blows away in the wind, it's blatant disregard for anyone else around you. The one that really got me was the 16oz Heineken guy. I got pissed after seeing 8-10 of them, WTF is wrong with you, couldn't put them back in the cooler and take with you? Never felt bad even after tossing the 5th or 6th one in the water? In an earlier post someone mentioned a clean up before they brought the water level up. Can anyone offer insight why in a multi million dollar dam rebuild project they can't put a few thousand dollars in for clean up? Maybe bring some convicts up there and have them repay society. Put some tracking collars on them that can be remotely zapped if they decided to take off .

Last edited by thyer; 04-24-2015 at 11:05 AM..
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Old 04-24-2015, 11:25 AM
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Lightbulb Re: Split Rock is up

Knowing what I know now probably one of the most important issues to be discussed is the flat out abuse of open space. Many groups use that lake, hikers, kayakers and fishermen. It's always the same, a few ruin it for everyone. It takes lots of time and effort to try to get people involved, and those deeply involved are the most overwhelmed. Take photos and write letters in your spare time if you can. I took photos and wrote letters, what happened over the next few years, yes YEARS, was amazing.


Last edited by AndyS; 04-24-2015 at 11:30 AM..
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Old 04-24-2015, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Split Rock is up

Originally Posted by thyer View Post
Put some tracking collars on them that can be remotely zapped if they decided to take off .

Let them feed the bears...

People r slobs. EVERY open space property that I have fished has slowly gotten "trashed" - even the most remote, little used ones. Most times they put in new trails or foot bridges for better/safer access and all it does is allow the trash to be taken deeper into the woods. Plastic water bottles lead the way. I have a gallon of water( in my car in a cooler with ice). No need to take it along with me and then throw it away. Just laziness.

One place that is fairly clean is Merrill Creek. Miles of trails but very neat.
If these heroes - aka criminals - just followed directions and didn’t resist or have an atttude, they’d be alive today.
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Old 04-25-2015, 09:56 PM
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Default Re: Split Rock is up

Originally Posted by buzzbaiter View Post
Let them feed the bears...

People r slobs. EVERY open space property that I have fished has slowly gotten "trashed" - even the most remote, little used ones. Most times they put in new trails or foot bridges for better/safer access and all it does is allow the trash to be taken deeper into the woods. Plastic water bottles lead the way. I have a gallon of water( in my car in a cooler with ice). No need to take it along with me and then throw it away. Just laziness.

One place that is fairly clean is Merrill Creek. Miles of trails but very neat.
I hiked around Split Rock before it was open to the public and parts were trash pits. It was a partying spot and dumping ground for the locals for decades. It's probably why they fought so hard against public access, they'd have to share their private dump with others. Fortunately on the lake you don't have to see all of that. It's one of the prettiest lakes in NJ and until they built that house on the summit a few years ago, you could see no man made buildings once you paddled past the dam.

I'm still hoping the state doesn't build the boat ramp. Though it attracts a few jerks, the long carry from parking to the waters edge and ban on shoreline fishing weeds most of the yahoos and makes it a fairly unique place in NJ. If the ramp goes in you have just another typical over fished and over used NJ hell hole. Other than the constant drone of planes overhead (It's right over the flight path into Newark) you have still have the feel that you are in a remote, Adirondack pond.

I haven't seen much about the ramp lately, but I know it is in the master plan, along with a paved road and more parking. Leave it to the state to screw up a special area, probably citing the Americans With Disabilities Act for doing so.

Last edited by briansnat; 04-25-2015 at 10:02 PM..
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Old 04-25-2015, 10:01 PM
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Default Re: Split Rock is up

Originally Posted by briansnat View Post
I'm still hoping the state doesn't build the boat ramp. Though it attracts a few jerks, the long carry from parking to the waters edge and ban on shoreline fishing weeds most of the yahoos and makes it a fairly unique place in NJ. If the ramp goes in you have just another typical over fished and over used NJ hell hole. Other than the constant drone of planes overhead (It's right over the flight path into Newark) you have still have the feel that you are in a remote, Adirondack pond.
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Old 04-26-2015, 12:09 PM
thyer thyer is offline
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Default Re: Split Rock is up

There's a ramp already built next to the dam. Not sure if will be for emergency use only. Agreed on that house up there, not sure why they couldn't leave the tree line.
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Old 04-27-2015, 02:09 PM
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Default Re: Split Rock is up

Originally Posted by thyer View Post
There's a ramp already built next to the dam. Not sure if will be for emergency use only. Agreed on that house up there, not sure why they couldn't leave the tree line.
I suspect the ramp is for official use only. The new one is supposed to have paved parking and a paved road leading to it
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