First try on the mighty Passaic River
I planned an early Sunday morn float trip on the Passaic with a friend who cancelled because he wasn't feeling well. When I saw his text I decided to roll over and get some more sleep. Then I got involved with yard work. About 2 pm I thought screw it, the canoe is on the car and everything is packed so I'm going alone.
I reached the apparently very popular put in at Pio Costa in Fairfield. I had to disturb a family of eastern Europeans (Jak się masz?) who actually had a barbecue grill going at a thoroughly unappealing place to hang out for the day. Seriously, hanging out for the day among litter and construction debris behind loading docks?
Anyway, I paddled about a half mile upstream and on my 4th cast I had something strike at my Devil Horse but missed. I tossed it back and this time it didn't miss. I boated a pike about 30 inches, my first pike ever. I figured that it would be easy pickings from there on, but alas that was the only one of the afternoon. Just before I took out I met a flyfisherman in a kayak who caught a 7 pounder on a streamer in a spot that I had fished up and back. I guess it wasn't interested in my Devil Horse. Also tried a Crocodile spoon but no interest in that either.
Anyway it's nice to be on the board with my first Passaic River pike. I've been driving around with my canoe on the roof since with plans of going back after work one evening this week.
BTW, When I scoped out the launch on Sat, and again on Sunday I saw a white SUV with all kinds of fishing decals in the back window. Was that the vehicle of another NJfishing member?
Last edited by briansnat; 08-25-2014 at 11:23 PM..